Chapter one

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I silently sipped my wine, listening to the music of the restraunt. Clinking of silverware chimed in the background as the scent of fresh bread rolls drifted amongst the air. I checked my phone. Nothing. Not even a message was found under the time playing across my screen. Maybe I just wasn't the right person for the job. I got up, straightened my dress, and acted as innocently as I could manage. The trip to the bathroom consisted of several men looking me up and down. They had a familiar lust in their eyes that irritated me. Men were only after two things- Sex and Money. I could only produce one of those items and I was not willing to share what I had earned on my missions. Being a level 12 agent shows very well on pay checks and I'm not giving up what I've worked for. I continued walking when a man grabbed my wrist. I rolled my eyes and tugged my wrist away. "Hey baby where you going?" He grabbed my hips. Bad move. The shatter of his wine glass could be heard as I jolted around, grabbed his maroon striped tie, and whispered a threat that would make a grown man shriek in horror, which it did. I pushed him back down onto his chair and battered my eyes innocently at his friend who turned around just a second too late to see what had happened. His friend winked and turned back around. My eyes narrowed at the fool sitting in front of me. I smiled smugly and walked to the bathroom. After doing my business I walked back to my table. A man now being there. But it wasn't the man I came to see. "It's such a treat seeing you here today but I must ask, here on a date?" He questioned in a low tone. I let out a small growl, too faint for him to hear. "I was just leaving" I snarled. I got up, my chair screeching behind me, and grabbed my clutch. "Are you sure you want to abandon a mission like that?" He purred softly. No way was I going to fall for that again. "I'll abandon any mission you assign me." I say, my words dripping venom. I leave without another word and he watches me. I feel his eyes on the back of my head. If his eyes mysteriously became lasers, my head would be gone in a matter of seconds. I immediately turn the corner, not because I'm at all intimidated, but because I left my table without paying the tab. As I walk, my heels click in a soothing rhythm. It was warm outside, humid too. Rain had scattered across the area a short while ago, causing the floor to be wet and air to be hot and muggy. As I stand by the curb, a cab slows to a stop in front of me. I open the door and hop in, dragging in a gust of wind with me. I sit in the car, without a clue of where to go, a clue who I could trust, and a clue of what I'm gonna eat.

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