Chapter Three

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I tug my dress further down my thighs and scamper across the street. The city isn't busy; of course not, it's past 12. As I glide through the doors of the subway, boot heels click behind me. I check the map displayed on the wall beside me, using it as a reason to sneak a glimpse to my side. The subway is empty, other than a homeless man and a woman, messy hair which is platinum blonde and black, a red jacket and brownish beige capris. I turn fully to face her and she gives me a dirty look, which eventually turns into a smirk. I back away casually, not giving in to her odd behavior. Did I leave the wet clothes in the washer? She advances forward. The homeless man gets up and exits the station in a hurry. Good move. "Going somewhere, doll?" Her voice wavers a bit and I smirk and shake my head. Poor girl. No idea what she's doing. "Just about to head home. Maybe get a burger, what about you?" Sarcasm drips from my voice. She turns her head. "Gotta handle some business." I roll my eyes. She's an amateur. She runs at me without a seconds notice, breaking me out of my trance. I duck from her arms, which are held out in front of her trying to grab me. I smirk, obviously aware of what she doesn't know. "This is a dangerous game your playing, Charlotte." I freeze. "What? You think I don't know what I've gotten into? You think I don't know you?" She snickers, more of a low vibration. I scowl. "Then surly you know what I'm going to do next." I drop down to the floor and spread out a leg, spinning and knocking her back. I grab a metal pole which says '16North' I bend it with ease, wrapping it around her arms. She hollers. "What? Can't take me on without your stupid powers? That's all you've got, honey. Your pathetic." She snarls and I smile. "If only I were someone to care what people had to sa-" I'm cut short. The ground begins to shake. The lights around us flash as a roar could be heard ripping through the atmosphere. "What the hell?" Her voice shrieks. I struggle to gain balance. "What are you doing?! Are you mad? You're going to kill everyone in a 50 mile radius!" She hollers. I growl and lift her up with ease. "Shut up! This isn't me, you idiot! I do not possess the powers to shake the fucking block!" She snaps her mouth shut, horror wiping across her face as I drop her. The subway hasn't stopped shaking and her constant groaning has prevented us from evacuating. Someone's coming. I can hear it. The stairs leading up to the main street are suddenly occupied by a pair of red boots, followed by blue pants and a red and white shield. The top of a certain super hero appears and the woman's mouth drops. If I were the type of girl to pay mind to a man's good looks, I would be screaming both internally and out. My face snaps out of his view. He's Captain America of SHIELD. This man is HOT. "You two have to evacuate." He says, finally coming to a stop behind us. His voice is stern and confident. The woman looks at me and back at him. "If only this freak would let me go!" The woman pleads innocent. Captain's eyes must be raking the scene. "What is going on here?" He asks questioningly. I walk over, pick up the woman with one arm, and toss her over my shoulder. "We were just leaving, Sir. You can be on your way now." I say shortly and walk without letting him see my face. He grabs my arm firmly. "Let her down." He growls, his voice low and husky. My needy girl parts scream but my mind says otherwise. "Look, I would explain why she's the bad guy, but we're about to be crushed by falling lights and rubble, so, call me!' I say as I worm my way out of his grasp and attempt to leave. He grabs my arm again, protecting me and the woman thrown over my shoulder. He seems to know what's going to happen next. The rumbling gets worse by the second and the cement above the stairs, and the stairs themselves which are also the only exit, come crashing down, blocking our way. "Son of a gun!" Captain yells and pushes us out of the way. The woman and I tumble back as he uses his shield to stop the falling debris from hitting him. The woman falls unconscious as her head smacks against the concrete floor. I use this opportunity to shape shift into another woman, one whom looks somewhat similar to me, but a less attractive version. Quite honestly, I'm not the prettiest girl, so becoming less attractive is no challenge for me. The rumbling slows and becomes bearable. I immediately run to The Captain. What time is it? My thoughts are interrupted by a sudden groan. Shit that's hot. "Captain?" I call, not expecting him to answer back. "Ovr. Ere." Was all I make out. The voice is coming from a pile of cement. I run to wear Captain's voice is coming from and move chunks of rubble aside. As I pulled him out, my eyes rake over his body. He has rips in his suit showing gashes and cuts. As my eyes roam and reach his chest, then his stomach. Is that a fucking six pack? My eyes stop at his waist. Was that natural? No guy has a woo-whoo that obvious. My eyes snap away from his waist.. Area... and back to the side of his head as i carried him out of the pile. His arm was wrapped around my shoulder and his legs dragged behind him. Is he going to be ok? He has the super soldier serum. "Here is fine." He softly speaks to my ear and I gently set him down and glance at him. He flashes a white smile. Surely his team would be coming for him? But as i wait, it became obvious; I was in deep shit.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2016 ⏰

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