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Having had two weeks here at I.S.C.G, I am really beginning to enjoy it. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I have ballet practise at lunch break and I am definitely improving. Don't worry - I am keeping on top of my work as well.

But there is one thing that seems a little strange. My Biology teacher, Mr Stanley, is keeping a close eye on me everywhere he sees me, including in Biology lessons. I don't know why.

On a Wednesday straight after lunch break we have Biology. It is now three weeks in from the beginning of term and I just about know my way around. I reach classroom D668 early and step inside. Only a few other students are there yet. Mr Stanley spots me and takes me outside of the classroom.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.
"Lola, I have been asked by the the Headmaster to break this news to you." He says.
"What? What news? Have I done something wrong? Please don't expel me!"
"No, no it's nothing like that," he reassures me.
"Then what is it?"
"You, Lola Merriford, are going to become a spy."

I step back, amazed. "But...but...why?" I stutter.
"I.S.C.G is in danger. Ever since we opened, four hundred years ago now, the school has had enemies," Mr Stanley began, "the Youngbloods."
"Who are the Youngbloods?" I ask.
"An agency designed to raise child geniuses into weapons for the government." He explains.
"For the government?" I echo.
"Yes, and the government uses them to attack other countries when they refuse to give England all they're money. Hadn't you wondered just why Greece are bankrupt?"
"We stole all they're money." I whisper, still to stunned to talk properly.
"Exactly," says Mr Stanley, "and recently, one of our students went missing. Fawn Delier." I gasp.

She was the one who had first come to me to congratulate me on my performance, then followed me around for the rest of the day. She was a bit annoying, but pretty sweet.
"So," I say, finally grasping what Mr Stanley is saying, "you think the Youngbloods have kidnapped her."
"Yes," he replies, "and we want you to go and find out if they have."
"But why me?" I ask.
"Because you are graceful and elegant and also extremely intelligent. Those things make up the perfect spy." Oh god, I think, he's seen the video.

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