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Everyone has a past, and Agent North Dakota, of Project Freelancer is no different. When he was 20 he and his wife Nikki had a blue eyed, blond haired bubbly baby girl, but when the young girl turned 6, the war took a turn for the worst and John and Sarah Miller, AKA North and South Dakota got their invites to join Project Freelancers.

3 years later when the girl is 9 North get the news that his wife was killed and that his girl was nowhere to be found, presumed dead, and he was devastated.

But what he didn't know is that the girl is still alive. She had in fact only been kidnapped by the resistance to be used for experimentation.

But when the freelancers find her, they find, not the little giggling bubbly girl North and South left, remember and grieved for but instead, a girl so far broken that she doesn't even remember how to smile and too is afraid to even talk.

North and South may not know her as well anymore, but they do know that they have a second chance. A second chance to help her. A second chance to protect her, and this time they wont let her down.

Because after all...

What's family for?
Here we go the prologue I know it pretty much the description but I added so things because there wasn't enuf caricature for the little bits like Norths and Souths names witch we never actually know what is so I picked two random ones. Thanks a lot to my friend 1D_KEVIN for my cover art. And I know I thank all the time but she is a great help! Anyway this is the new story! Chapter 1 will be up soon!

Keep an eye on the leader board Freelancers

-Agent Nevada

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