His hands shook and his body ached when his opened the closet door. Rolling out come his little toddler of a brother. Painfully he tried sitting up but couldn't as sharp pain erupted from his waist down.

Not wanting to deal with the pain he laid there beside his little brother and played with him.

"Just for you, I'll endure this pain." He kisses the toddlers head and the toddler lets out a squeal of happiness. "Nor will I ever let you see the ugliness of this world I live. I pray you will never know of it."

The door to his room busted open startling the toddler causing him to start wailing. Standing at his door stood a man at 6 feet tall, his black hair slicked back away from his face, his eyes the colour of amber with flickers of gold. He looked quite young for a man who stood with authority.

Securing the toddler close. "Who are you?"

"I'm searching for a man, perhaps you might know of him. A drunk, stands about 5'9, rigged cloth-." The man rumbled.

"My uncle. I haven't seen him since of last night." The boy choosed his words carefully.

Heath observed the boy and toddler before him taking in the boy's ruffled blanket and the blood stains on the blankets.

"You still call a man like that your uncle? A man whom raped you? You wouldn't happened to be Roy Veigh and the toddler Toby."

Roy stared at the man. "So what if I am?"

"Hmm, I was thinking perhaps I should take you in on the behalf of your uncle's debt." Heath continued to observed the young boy.

Heath like how his eyes flared with a blazing beautiful violet colour. "What would be your use of me?"

"Perhaps my lover till I get bored of you I supposed." Reaching into his pocket he picked out his pack of smokes for him to smoke. Just as he was about to light one up, the boy snatched it from his mouth and crumpled it in his hands.

"If you are going to smoke do it outside. I don't want it to be anywhere near my brother." Roy snapped angrily at the man.

Now who would of thought the boy had spunk in him.

"Boss, we've found him." Heath's right hand man, Oscar informed him.

"Come child, let's go and greet your loving uncle." Roy was hesitant on seeing his uncle after what the man had done to him.

Being the lover to this man couldn't possibly be any worse than dealing with his uncle.

"At least let me and my brother wash up." The blankets fallen off of his shoulder as he made his way for the restroom.

"Sure go right ahead and be my guess. I'll be waiting in the living room." Heath watched the boy and saw that his body was matted with blood and legs were about to give out from beneath him. "On second thought Oscar help Roy wash up will you. I'll take Toby."

"No. My brother stays with me." Roy tightly held his brother.

"Don't forget that you both belong to me, boy." Oscar made way to get Toby out of his brother's hand.

"Not yet that is." He chuckled, got himself quite the wildcat.

"Oscar take Toby and entertain him in the mean while will you. I'll take care of this wildcat."

"Yes, boss." Oscar pried Toby away from Roy since he was too weak from the pain his body has taken.

Heath took off his suit jacket and rolled up the cuff of his sleeves. Carefully he picked up Roy's small thin frame and carried him to the bathroom.

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