Chapter 59: Short Walks & Teardrops

Start from the beginning

"See you guys later." Pat calls, still holding Abigail in his arms.

I giggle, and with that, Jonathan and I leave the apartment.

Jonathan holds my hand in his, and shoves the other in his coat pocket.

He's wearing a grey toque, and a dark coat.

I am wearing my dark coat, leggings, grey Uggs, and a toque that allows my newly-curled hair to escape dramatically.

Jonathan's hand is warm, and it radiates through my body.

We leave Trump Tower, and the crisp winter air enters my lungs.

It's so refreshing.

The Chicago River is frozen, and reflecting the lights of the buildings that surround it.

A light layer of snow covers Chicago, and the streets are fairly busy.

It's a beautiful night.

The winter moon is bright and crisp, as the light illuminates the sky.

The streetlights dimly light up the sidewalks.

You can even see my breath.

We walk together, as we admire the twinkling Christmas lights that have been set up around Chicago.

God, I love the way that they reflect in Jonathan's eyes.

They dance and flicker around like stars.

My little stars.

My taste of heaven.

Jonathan and I make our way to the Michigan Avenue Bridge, right outside of Trump Tower.

It truly is a beautiful bridge, and it is brilliantly built.

The patterns on the side of the bridge, and cobblestone...

So utterly beautiful.

Jonathan and I walk amongst the crowds over to the bridge when I suddenly hear a young voice behind me.

"Excuse me!" An excited voice from behind Jonathan and I calls.

Holding hands, we both spin around, and we lay our eyes on two young ladies, faces beaming with excitement. They look about 14 or 15, and one of them has blue eyes and blonde hair that has been pulled into a cute, messy side-braid.

My eyes flick over to the brunette one, and my heart skips a beat.

The brown hair, the cute, dark, eyes, the body of an athlete (specifically a volleyball player); I remember her all too well.


The one fan that reminded me too much of my once-younger self.

A broad smile is written on her face, exposing her beautiful, perfect teeth.

She's gotten her braces off.

She's even more like me now.

"We truly do not mean to bug you, but we just wanted to let you know how much everything you have done for this city and the Blackhawks means to us. We could never have asked for a better captain, and we say that with a whole heart." The blondie beams, looking up at Jonathan, blue eyes gripping my gaze with an icy effect.

Jonathan laughs, and looks down at the two girls.

"Thanks girls, that means a lot." He smiles, nodding and patting the blonde girl on the shoulder.

She looks like she's about to cry with tears of joy.

I can only imagine.

Jonathan Toews is probably her hero, and I can totally respect that.

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