°Eight°We Meet Again°

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A/N: That is what Kara looks like(the girl above)

~Kara's POV~
After Nick had left me I have changed a lot in my life and so did other people. It was a Monday ughh Maiden High really sucks donkey ass but anyway I went to my locker and grabbed my books that I needed for my four classes that...ew...PE...while I was at my locker someone had slammed my locker onto my fingers making me scream "Hahaha oops stupid slut watch what you're doing bitch!" Bella,the most popular girl in the school laughed at me, I finally got my fractured or broken fingers out of my locker. "You're so pathetic" She said dead to my face "And you're a petty little piece of shit trynna be pop well guess what honey you're just a low life 20year old senior who had got held back in 5th grade your country not rich dumbass!" I yelled in her face I got a lot of oohhss and damns from the other kids crowded around us "You little worthless bitch!" She yelled and slapped me, I held my face with my fractured fingers then turned around and punched Bella in her nose making her fall on the ground bleeding everywhere "STAY AWAY FROM ME AND SHUT YOUR COUNTRY ASS UP WITH YOUR FUCKING HOSPITALITY!" I yelled anger building up in me making me want to beat her more, I walked out the door pushing people out the way. I got out the school and started going to the park where me and Nick would go look at the stars I entered the park making my way to the swings, I guess I wasn't paying attention because I bumped into someone making me fall"Oh shit I'm sorry are you okay?" I heard a familiar voice "Yeah I'm fine" I said grabbing their hand so he could help me up "Thanks" I said dusting myself off "You!" The guy said to me in a whispered tone. "What?" I was confused "YOU!" The guy finally took his hood off he was wearing a jacket yeah it was a little chilly though my eyes grown wide when I seen who it was "N-Nick?" I stuttered "We meet again Kara" Nick smiled at me...

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