Green Blizzard

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Red P.O.V

The cupcakes that Green brought me looked really good, almost to good to eat! I'd be lieing if I said that I hadn't eaten anything this good in awhile.

I could tell that Green was still adjusting to the coldness and thin air. He was shivering and appeared to be gasping for air, after every other bite of his cupcake.

After a few seconds past I decided to finally eat my cupcake. It tasted amazing! The chocolate melted in my mouth, making me want to eat more. I could see Pikachu and Eevee out of the corner of my eye. The two seemed to be having fun, making snowpokemon sculptures. Eevee had alot of snow on her fur making her look like a snowsculpture herself.

My heart nearly skipped a beat when I felt something take my hat off. I looked to Green, who had my hat on his head. He looked to me with a sly grin. To be honest he looked really good with my hat on. We locked eyes and just stared at each other for several moments. Green looked away quickly, probably so he wouldn't laugh at how weird I looked without my hat.

When Green turned his attention back to me, he put my hat back on my head. "You know you look totally different without your hat. Plus I like how you look with it on."

Inside I was grinning big. But on the outside I kept my stolic blank face. I always felt bad for not showing any emotion, especially to Green. It just I could never find the right words. Or right thing to do.

Suddenly Green grabbed his backpack, from his side. I shifted slightly trying to see over his shoulder. Unfortunately I couldn't, because he turned back around to face me. His face turned a slight shade of red, as he handed me a small rectangle box. The cover read "Pockey", I looked up to him. In response he scratched the back of his head.

"That's just a snack I brought you. If you want to have some later." I nodded and put the box of pockey in my back pocket. As I adjusted my hat I could already tell that Green was looking at me. I didn't even have to look at him completely, to know he was watching me.

The sun was now beginning to go down slowly. Sitting on the mountain, with Green, and staring at the horizon below was nice and relaxing. I liked how the setting sun shone on Green. The light captured his completion perfectly. I couldn't help but smile softly to myself. But as soon as I remembered that Green would notice me smiling, I stopped.

The thought of where Green was going to sleep tonight occurred to me. I only had a hard cave floor and a few blankets. Surely Green wouldn't mind sleeping on the cold floor right?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Green started talking. "Hey, Red? If you don't mind me asking. Where can I sleep, go to the bathroom?" I pointed out into the forest, trying to show that was were the bathroom was. The look on Greens face was priceless. He looked like he had seen a ghost. "You mean I use the trees?!" I shook my head slightly. He didn't understand that I did have a real bathroom out there. Not wanting to make him worried I stood up and started walking towards the bathroom. Green followed me, walking fastly behind me. After passing several trees we came upon a door made of leaves. I signal for Green to walk forward. He pushed the leaves aside and was soon able to see a steady river and a toilet on the other side.

Green chuckled. He looked at the river then back to me. "You know, for a second there I thought you wqnted me to use the trees." As if I didn't have any dignity.

The two of us, soon headed back up the mountain. This time Green was walking next to me. We were almost shoulder to shoulder. I looked up to the sky, the moon was coming out and so were the stars.

As soon as we had made it back to the cave my thoughts went back to how tonight would work out. Green probably noticed how I was looking at the far cave, because he put a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, if you're worried about how I'm going to sleep, I'll be ok." I simply blinked at his words. 'There is no way I'm letting him sleep in the cold. Not after he traveled all this way."

I grabbed his wrist and brought him to the back of the cave. I looked over to my pokemon and Eevee, they were all huddling close and beginning to fall asleep. I could tell Green was happy to see his Eevee and my Pikachu having a fun time.

I let go of Greens wrist and brought out some blankets. They were nice and fluffy. I gave Green one of them and pointed at the floor. Green layed the blanket down on the floor, before smiling at me. He yawned. "I'm going to go get changed, I'll be back in a few."

Nodding, I stripped out of my regular clothes quickly and put on a long sleeved red shirt and long sleeved blue pants. I glanced over my shoulder, hoping Green hadn't seen me change. Lucky for me he was to busy yanking his shirt out of his bag.

Several minutes passed and Green finally had finished changing. He had a long sleeved green shirt and black pants. Oddly enough, we both had on shirts that were basically the color of our names.

Green looked to the fluffy blanket on the floor, he slowly layed down under it and closed his eyes. I could see him blushing. Not wanting to be standing any longer, I layed down on the floor, several inches away from Green. I pulled another blanket, from earlier, onto me. I snuggled closely into the soft fabric.

My attention went to Green. His back was to me. I turned over so my back was to him as well. Before drifing off to sleep I whispered. "Good night, Green."

"Good night, Red."


I woke up with a start. I looked out to the front of the cave it seemed to be still night, about midnight. A blizzard had started up, causing the cave to start getting colder. My pokemon were all wrapped up together, not at all bothered by the blizzard. But what caught my attention surprised me. Pikachu and Eevee were wrapped together in a tight embrace. It looked nice, to be in that position.

I looked to Green. He was turned, his face to me, snoring softly. I quickly crawled over to him. I didn't want to wake him, but it was getting colder due to the blizzard. Without any further hesitation I climbed under the blankets and snuggled closely to Green. His scent engulfed me, as did his warmth. He smelled of chocolate, which gave me a craving to eat some of the pocky Green had given me earlier. I smiled when his sleeping arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer. I wasn't sure how I would explain this to him in the morning, but for now that didn't matter, all that mattered was I was with Green.

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