The Start (Filler)

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Summary : Little Red Riding Hood, with his silky hair and dazzling eyes. Loved and Adored by many.

When Little Red, with his Red Hood, went to the woods to deliver a basket of cookies for his Grandmother, he saw a rabbit.

But, oh yes, the Rabbit, was talking to itself! The rabbit shook it's furry head and then hopped away. Curiousity ate Litte Red and he followed the rabbit, tightening his hold on the basket of cookies that his Mother baked.

Then, Little Red came to a stop. In front of a Rabbit Hole, where Mr. Rabbit went.


Yaoi Harem! Don't like, don't read.

Male Reader x Various Male Fairy Tale Characters. (ex. King of Hearts, The Big Bad Wolf, The Twins, Goldilocks (Gold) )

Disclaimer : I own nothing, except the plot.


"Goodbye Mother!"(Male Name) or Little Red as the Villagers called him waved. A smile fell on his lips as his Mother waved back.

Little Red tightened the hood on his head and continued his way to woods, where his Grandmother's house was placed.

Little Red's Grandmother was sick and frail, but Little Red always loved to deliver cookies for her. And besides Little Red loved to hear the stories that Grandma Alice always tell him.

And Little Red's favorite among those was the story of Alice in Wonderland. It was a coincidence that Little Red's Grandma Alice, has the same name as the Heroine in the story.

Smiling once more, Little Red quickened his pace, excited to see his blonde haired, blue eyed, Grandmother again.


"Late! Late! Late!"Usagi groaned, his silver eyes widening as he stared at the watch on his wrist. 'The King will kill me!' He quietly thought.

The white haired man sighed, and shook his head. "Tch, Stupid Wolf, saying it will be important, but no! He just babbled about his precious cute Litte Red again!" Usagi sighed again, before his eyebrow twitched, and then, poof! Where he was before stood a rabbit, with the same watch on his left wrist.

The rabbit's nose twitched, and it or he, started jumping. 'Well, better be late than nothing'

Usagi continued hopping, then stopped, peering through the familiar rabbit hole. Then, he jumped.

But, Usagi, never noticed a pair of (e/c) eyes staring at him with curiosity.


Me : Yeah! Finished!

Ichi : Noooo! Why am I not with my precious Little Red!

Little Red :....

Usagi : *smirks* Well, maybe because I'm more handsomer and cuter than you Wolf.

Ichi : *growls* Stupid Rabbit!

Me : Ehehe... Bye!

Little Red's Adventure to Fairy Tale Land! (Male Reader x Various)Where stories live. Discover now