Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Lizzie P.O.V.

“Hey Kurt, how are you doing?”

I put my tray down on the lunch table next to Kurt. His dad just got home after a week in the hospital from suffering a serious heart attack. Poor Kurt was depressed the whole week; I have never seen him so down….none of us have. Fortunately, he is now back to normal and is dad is home safe and healthy.

Kurt put his water down, “Doing better. He’s just getting used to being away from his beloved beef jerky.” He rolled his eyes playful.

I smiled, that was the Kurt we all knew and loved. I sat down next to him, then Mercedes sat down next to me, Tina rolled Artie next to Mercedes and she took a seat next to him. Mike, Tina’s boyfriend, planted a kiss on Tina’s lips then sat down next to her. I looked over at Artie who had a disgusted look on his face. Tina and Artie dated all last year, but Tina broke it off, Artie wasn’t being a very good boyfriend.

“Quinn! Over here!” Mercedes called.

The blonde in the Cheerio uniform turned to us and did a little wave. I motioned her to come over, but all she did was point over at the jock table. I turned to see her pointing at the new kid, Sam Evans. Well, he wasn’t new-new, he started last week and is now on the football team. His blonde hair kind of had the ‘Beiber Bangs’, but not totally. I nodded approvingly and gave Quinn thumbs up. She giggled and waved as she made her way over to the jock table.    

“Well…he’s….attractive.” Kurt said slowly, looking over at Sam.

Mercedes nodded and smiled, “Looks like he’s the reason Quinn ditched us today.”

I watched as Quinn introduced herself and the two ate next to eachother. I grinned, it’s about time Quinn to find someone to be happy with. The poor girl got pregnant last year by Noah Puckerman, local bad boy and her boyfriend’s (Finn) best friend. She gave up the baby to Shelby Corcan, an ex show choir coach, and since then, she’s never really been herself.

But the way she looked and smiled at Sam, there was no doubt in my mind they would be a couple.

“Hey, fag.”

Kurt and I didn’t have to turn to know who it is, Joe and Karofsky. Mike and Artie gave the two the death glare. I glanced over at Kurt whose bright eyes were replaced by sad one. I held on to his hand. Bad move.

“Oh, Lizzie, you’re a fag-lover?” Karofsky said in a fake sweet voice.

  “Yeah she is, and a crippled lover.” Joe pointed toward Artie.

Mercedes put a hand on Artie’s shoulder. Now it was Kurt’s time to comfort me. He squeezed my hand. I heard Joe chuckle.

“Flirting with my sister, Hummel? Even she’s not that desperate.”

Karofsky laughed, “Sure about that?”

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