Chapter 10

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It was my senior year of high school, the year I was actually noticed. Well, noticed by her. I'd had my eye on her since the beginning of the year - she was the new girl in school (as cliche as it was). She didn't have too many friends, but she was by no means friendless. She was in a lot of my classes and it took me almost two months to even say hi to her.

But when Christmas came around, she invited me to come to this party she was having with some friends of her. She said it was a "White Elephant" party, or at least their version of one. Basically we were supposed to bring gifts for certain people but keep it a secret as to who the gift-giver is.

I, of course, was her gift giver. I recorded a CD for her with covers of all her favorite songs. I had butterflies in my stomach the entire week leading up to the party and the same thoughts were constantly running through my mind:

Was she going to like it? Was she going to hate it? What if she never wanted to talk to me again because of she hated it so much?

The night of the party arrived and I was getting ready to leave, deciding what I should wear. I would've been okay wearing in my typical t-shirt and jeans, but I felt like I needed to dress in something a little more classy. Something that would impress her. So I picked out this suit I'd worn to my Aunt's wedding that was a few months back.

Turned out I could've just worn a t-shirt and jeans, but by the time I realized this, it was already too late and I was standing on her front doorstep. Upside was I got a lot of compliments on my appearance that night, including one from her and that was all I needed to hear. Her opinion was the only one I cared about, the only one. And that rings true to this day.

"Ooh! Ooh!" One of her friends, Marie, exclaimed, clapping her hands together excitedly. We were all gathered in the living room, spread out on the couches and floor. "Time to exchange the presents!" She got up from sitting next to me and went into the other room to get the gifts.

A nervous feeling washed over me as I tried to suppress the nauseous feeling bubbling up inside of me. It was as if the butterflies who had been there for the past week invited their friends and family to join the party without asking me first.

She returned shortly after and distributed the gifts out to the eight of us (it was a small party), asking me to be the first one to open mine.

I remember the sparkle she had in her eyes as she anticipated me to open my gift. She had that sparkle in her eyes a lot, at least, whenever I was around. It was probably the most beautiful thing about her, if I had to choose.

"Drumsticks," I stated, peeling off the shiny red wrapping paper. I took the two wooden sticks in my hands and looked up, "Thank you."

"Who do you think got them for you?" Cassadee, another one of her friends, inquired, the corner of her lips curled up into a smile.

I looked around at the small group of friends I knew but didn't know all that well. I guessed it was her, but she shook her head no. I thought for sure it was her, but instead it was her friend and Marie's boyfriend, Joe. I'd later meet him again at a bookstore and join his band. He got them for me because he always saw me drumming my pencils on my books during study hall and assumed I played.

"Well, thanks, Joe."

He winked at me.

The rest of the guests opened their gifts and the last one to open their gift was her. She pulled back the wrapping paper (which I had my mom do because I couldn't wrap a gift to save my life) and saw the CD. She smiled and ripped the rest off, turning it around to see the track list I had scribbled down for her.

"What is it?" Joe inquired.

"It's a CD," She answered, "Of all my favorite songs."

"Covers of all your favorite songs," I corrected her. She glanced over at me as my cheeks grew a deep shade of red. "I mean, at least, I don't know for sure but-"

"Did you get me this, Patrick?" She cut me off. I shyly nodded my head yes, causing her to smirk, "Well, thank you. I love it." She leaned in and kissed me on the cheek.


The two of us were standing outside in the bitter Chicago winter, her hands shoved in her coat pockets as she shivered, her coat not doing her any justice.

"Thanks for inviting me," I mumbled, my teeth chattering against one another.

She met my gaze and grinned, "Thanks for coming and making me that awesome CD."

"It's the least I can do for a beautiful girl like you."

I don't exactly remember what went through my head that night. Maybe it was a combination of the teenage hormones and the holiday spirit or the teenage hormones and the fact that it was freezing out and I was desperate for warmth, but I was usually never that direct with my feelings.

Her already red cheeks grew even redder, "Oh, stop. I'm nowhere near beautiful."

"Of course you are," I retorted, taking a step closer to her. I brought my shaking hand up and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear, "If I'm being honest, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Way more beautiful than any of the girls at school."

She shook her head in disbelief before averting her gaze to her feet, "You don't have to lie to me, Patrick."

"Who said I was lying?" I placed my cold fingers underneath her chin and tilted her head back up, looking into her gorgeous eyes that were glistening in the moonlight. 

"No one, I just know you are," The corner of her lip curled up into a smirk.

"Oh really?" I broke out into a smile, "Well, would you believe me if I told you I never told a lie?"

She laughed, "Not a chance."

I chuckled, "Okay, you got me there. But me telling you you're beautiful...I couldn't be more honest if I wanted to be."

"Prove it to me then," She challenged, her visible breaths mixing with mine.

"How?" I questioned.

"Well that's up to you. What do you think will make me-" Before she could finish her question, I quickly leaned in and gently pressed my lips against hers.

I think it was only that night she actually ever believed me when I said she was beautiful. Which is a shame because, man, if you saw her...there's no doubt in my mind you'd think the same.

I guess you could relate to her Cinderella. In such a way that she was ignored by her family, making her feel worthless and unwanted. And then I came into the picture, her Prince Charming, there to take her away from the torture her evil stepfather and ugly stepbrothers put her through.

Only difference between the story of Cinderella and the story of us is that she and I didn't ride off in a carriage to a Happily Ever After.

Instead, on our way to Happily Ever After, the carriage got into a crash. Killing her upon impact and injuring me so badly that I didn't think I was going to make it.

The doctors told me I'd eventually be okay, that I'd eventually heal, but when? When I was going to be okay? When was I going to heal?

Happy Miserable Mess (FOB/Patrick Stump FanFic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu