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Hey guys! So it's just recently come to my attention that I've surpassed 1500 followers! That's freaking incredible!

But nonetheless, I am super grateful. I don't know how many times I've said this (probably way too many to count), but I seriously would be nothing if it wasn't for all of you.

To show my appreciation, I would like to do something for you guys. Problem is, I don't know what =/ Any suggestions? I'm up for doing pretty much anything, so please, leave your suggestion below and I'll get back to you guys as soon as I decide what I'm going to do =)

Thank you guys so much, I really can't thank you enough.


Happy Miserable Mess (FOB/Patrick Stump FanFic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें