"Ok...That's Rebecca's favorite song...." Rebecca and Kelsey started singing Drive By....

"One the other side of the street I knew, Stood a girl who looked like you,i guess that's deja vu, I felt this cant be true....." Kelsey and Rebecca sang. After the song..

"Now...how many of you know 'The wanted'?" She asked

"ME!!" Almost every kid screamed. Rebecca took one girl "Who do like in the wanted?"

"Siva...." Siva was smiling.

"What song do you want us to sing...the wanted?"

"I found you...." Rebecca started playing the guitar....and I stared singing..... "She wants me come over, I can tell her eyes don't lie, she calling me in the dark" When we came out all of them screamed. Kelsey also sang with us.... We did some funny stuff...which made the children laugh. Emily was taking a video...for Wantedwednesday.

After the song...we sang some more...in some songs Tom played the guitar. After singing we went to the art room. The some kids got some cards for Rebecca and Kelsey.....some of them wanted us to give an autograph.

Then we gave out the toys..... I gave a blue teddy to a girl..

"Thank you.....can I have a hug?" she asked...she was around 7

"Of course..."I picked and hugged her

"Will you come again?"

"Hmm....of course!" She smiled. Emily came... "Rebecca...why are you doing all this?"

"For the kids...." They were having a conversation. After giving the gifts we all went to our house.

Rebecca's POV:

At 5:30 we left..... I was so tired!

We went inside and changed. "I HATE THESE BLOODY HOMEWORKS!!" I screamed

"Chill.....tomorrow we'll go to the boys' house have some fun...." I looked at her... "Not that...the other fun...running around, jumping and all that!"

"And then our last day of collage...then we are......"

" FREE!!!" We screamed. "And we did not tell the boys! And I have detention in Math class!" I said.

"I cant believe the extended it another month! I mean that's so cool!!" Kelsey said

"What about my detention?"

"Just for 45mins.....you might have fun...."

"Fun? Fun in detention?"

"Rebecca....after that you can do whatever you want!!!!" Kels said.

"Ok.....im off to bed....shit tired!"

"Its just 7:30....and wat about dinner?"

"Im not hungry...." She nodded...I went to sleep....Nathan called me...

"Hello?" I said with a sleepy tone...

"Rebecca are you sleeping?"

"Yea...im tired"

"Its 8:00...anyways iI'll call tomorrow..."

"You wanted to tell me something?"

"Yea..i wanted to say that tomorrow for the movie night....it will be late till we finish 2 movies...um so you girls should stay here and then next morning we're going on a road trip to Manchester and Bolton...do you wanna come?"


"But don't you have collage on Sunday?"

"No....actually summer vacations are starting from tomorrow....."

"What?! You never told us! How long?"

"We forgot...and it used to be for 2 months but now its 3!"

"That is epic...so you're coming right? What about Kelsey..."

"She'll obviously say yes!"

"Ok....come tomorrow with your stuff....we'll be in Manchester for 2-3days and Bolton for 5 days!"

"Isn't Bolton Tom's place and Manchester Max's?"

"Yup....we'll have to handle Max....he gets too excited....ok see you tomorrow! Bye!"

"Bye" I kept my phone and went to the living room...I told Kelsey about it and she screamed "THAT IS SO COOL!"

"But I told them that you cant come because you have to go to LA......"


"Chill man.....I told them that you're coming....god!"

"Oh thank god! Why do you scare the shit outta me?"

"I like teasing people.....now im gonna think of something which will blow the shit outta the boys' head!" We laughed...."Alright now im really off to bed! Goodnight!"



Accidently in Love (Nathan Sykes)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora