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There can be no light, without first, the darkness

"Please sir! I am telling you the truth! I am pregnant with your child!" Angelina pleaded with the man in front of her. Trembling with fear, hot tears streamed down her face. She raised her beautiful odd colored eyes up to the man she thought she knew. To the man she believed had loved her, only to see disgust and utter rage. She gasped and cringed as he came around his desk and grabbed a fistful of her long black tresses, yanking her out of the chair and forcing her to her knees in front of him.

"With my child, you say?" he sneered, jerking her head back further until he saw the pain he desired shoot across her lovely face and heard her whimper. Oh yes, he thought, she is exquisite. His cock stirred at the memory of how many times he had taken her sweet body over the last few months. Burying himself into her time and time again thawed the ice he felt when he laid with his cold wife. Even now, the need to shove his dick into her pretty mouth was almost overwhelming and it outraged him further.

Fisting her hair and pulling it hard, he drew back and slapped her several good blows. The smacks felt good and sounded better as she screamed with each blow, egging his temper on and making his cock rigid. Oh yeah, he was going to find his frigid wife and make her perform her wifely duties tonight whether she was willing or not. And goddammit, she had better get pregnant this time.

Marrying her had been more of an investment for him than a marriage of love. Love was a worthless emotion in his book; a weakness for lesser men than him. Women served only a few purposes on this Earth and therefore didn't deserve his time. He never cared for the beautiful southern belle who once was the apple of her father's eye, but he needed to marry somebody, so why not make it worth his while and marry one who was well to do?

All women were incredibly stupid in his eyes and extremely disposable. They only possessed one good use and far as he was concerned and he ended up with one who was too meek and timid to even be able to do that much. Angelina had been a lovely little distraction for months now and it angered him the stupid bitch ended up pregnant.

He slapped her one more time, taking pleasure as she moaned and rolled her eyes into the back of her head. What he wouldn't give to be able to fuck her one more time now she was trained to his type of pleasure, which bordered on inflicting pain. But, unfortunately, it was time to let his play thing go. Things were complicated and the shine had worn off this pretty toy.

"Wake up bitch!" Don't you dare pass out on me yet!" He shook her head until she opened her eyes and looked at him. Blood dripped from her nose and lips hitting him on his sleeve. "Goddammit! You filthy little whore!" He let go of her hair and shoved her onto the floor in front of him right at his feet, where she belonged. "Listen up you stupid slut and listen good. I am NOT the father of your baby. For all I know, you spread those damn legs of yours for every hand on my property!"

" has only been you," Angelina whispered. "You took my virginity. You knew I was knew!" her voice becoming more pleading as she tried to reason with him. Her body trembled uncontrollably when she saw the undiluted hatred staring back at her. " said you loved me," she croaked. The reality of her situation slammed hard into her mind.

All those sweet words spoken, stolen caresses and kisses as she performed her duties working for him these past few months, where nothing more than empty wooings of a man who only wanted her body. He never wanted her heart. He had no intentions of ever loving her, marrying her or any of the other whispered promises he'd made. Those sweet words which once spilled from his lips, that had kissed her and worshiped her body, were now pulled into a thin line and a menacing snarl.

How could she have fallen in love with such a hateful man? How could she have mistaken his lusts for love? Now she was pregnant, laying at the feet of a man who had no heart; begging for mercy. Angelina bowed her head and sobbed silently as her young, ignorant spirit was crushed under the heel of his expensive boot.

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