Secrets and sibling moments

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Teddy's POV

We sat on mum and dads grave like every year talking and glancing at the tombs I froze and looked at the white marble headstone

'Remus Lupin and nymphadora 'tonks' Lupin love conquers all; even in death.' I sighed and Rylee wrapped her arms around me "they loved you Theo, and they still do, they're still watching you and now we have our own guardian angels." She said I looked at her "if we have guardian angels then why didn't they prevent all that stuff when you where in your late teens and early twenties? Why didn't they protect Cedric? Why didn't they keep your house safe? Why did they let Voldemort do all those things to you? Why can't you have children? Why do you have these?" I rolled up her sleeves and revealed scars up and down the length of her slim arms 'worthless', 'hated', 'unloved', 'pathetic', 'mudblood', and the one that hurt her most of all to see wether she said it or not. 'Orphan.' In big letters down her right arm. He also had small straight scars from self inflicted injuries when she was younger. She sighed "your only seeing what they didn't prevent Teddy, you don't see what they did because they kept it from ever happening. These scars are what I have left from being tortured for refusing to hand over my friends. These scars make me strong. I can't have children cause it isn't meant to be-" I cut her of and jumped up "you won't even get a boyfriend! Why not?!" I asked she looked at me "Theo, honestly if you want the truth tell me. Or I can give you the prepared reason." I looked at her and noticed a flash of black hair (definitely Harry) and I sat back down. "Truth." I said "ok." She sighed "The god honest truth is this... I love Fred. With all my heart I do. But he deserves someone who can give him kids one day. Fred would make an amazing dad and he deserves the chance to be one." I gaped at her and Harry took a step back and apperated 'HARRY ILL KILL YOU!" she yelled jumping up with her hands on her hips I laughed and she turned around "oh so you think it's funny?" She asked I nodded she tackled me and tickled me until I couldn't breathe. We sat down and she used her wand and a bunch of beautiful flowers appeared we stood up "so what do you say to pizza, monsters and video games till Six A.M.?" She asked I smiled and we apperated home.

Harry's POV.

"And that's what she said." I told everyone except Fred. "I KNEW IT!" Ginny gushed excitedly Molly looked close to tears "why can't she have kids?" I forget that no one else knew about that "the spells Voldemort put her under when he.... Tortured her...." They all knew about the rape things birdie it really did upset me that she went through that much for me "the spells where permanent, if she could conceive the baby and her would be fine but that's the problem she can't get pregnant. Not that she's tried!" I hastily added when the girls shared a look that screamed 'slut!'... "How long has she known this?" Fleur asked patting her own pregnant belly "almost ten years." A voice said from behind me my eyes got wide as my older sister leaned casually against the doorframe. "Harry, I'm letting you off the hook... But ill kill you myself if you eavesdrop on the conversations I have with teddy at my parents graves." She glared "sleep with one eye open tonight." She warned.

"OHMERLIN HARRY! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!" My wife asked through laughs as the whole room laughed at me "my sisters revenge." I growled "mine, actually." Teddy said climbing out of the fireplace "hi Victorie." He said shyly she blushed I saw Bill's jaw tighten and he glared at the eleven year old smirking boy in front of him "I'm going to diagon alley and I need George to take me to talk to Fred." He said. (Haha it rhymes!) we all shared a look "she technically told Harry not to interfere but she didn't tell anyone else squat." He smirked "oh teddy! Your dad would be so proud!" Ginny exclaimed he blushed "you really think so?" He asked and we all nodded.

"WAIT! Teddy, before you go can you change my hair back?" He laughed "nah I like it pink, suits you." "Yup dad and James would be so beyond proud of you. I know Sirius is." Rylee said climbing out of the fireplace.

She's not really a mum... She's more like a- well a sister raising her baby brother. Cause she is. I don't think she's doing it right though...

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