Undivided... Sorta(hp ff)

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Rylee's POV

"NO! DADDY PLEASE!" I stood sobbing over the bodies of my dad and step-mum in the great hall in Hogwarts everyone turns to look at me. Almost everyone looks terrible, completely covered in dirt, sweat, tears, blood and god only knows what else... Most of them give me sympathetic looks, some of them burst into tears. I've lost so much in this war: my house (burned to the ground by death eaters), my boyfriend (Cedric Diggory: murdered by Peter Pettigrew), my virginity (raped by you-know-who as torture for refusing to give info on the whereabouts of Harry Potter), and now my parents. The whole world knows too, about all of it I hugged the lifeless bodies of my beautiful step mother and wonderful father. Tears streaked my cheeks for the umpteenth time since the end of the tri-wizard-tournament 'if you had been up in the astronomy tower you could have saved them!' My mind screamed horrible insults at me the most painful being 'orphan.' My mum had died in Godric's hallow sixteen years ago protecting my one-year-old baby brother from the wrath if Voldemort. I watched my step dad fall and ran to my mum after all was said and done daddy came and picked me up and raised me, even though he had fears of a specific 'hairy problem'.


"Mummy! There's a scary man down stairs!" I said she looked out the window and gasped she told me to climb in the cupboard "but why mummy?" I asked she mumbled something that I couldn't hear then she smiled sadly at me "cause that's where your Birthday present is hidden, silly!" She told me I jumped up and down and gave her a hug she squeezed me longer than I'd expected "just remember Rylynd, mummy loves you very much, and no matter what happens that will never change." A tear rolled down her flushed cheeks and soon she was silently sobbing I ran in the hallway and climbed in the cupboard I heard the scary man talk to James I opened the door and ran out behind him "it'z my Birfday! I FOW! Did you bring me a present?!" I asked him realizing how stupid it was when I was about seven thinking back on my first memory etched deeply in my brain he laughed a scary laugh and I ran to hug James "jay dat man scary! Make him go away!" James pushed me behind him "if you want to get to Lily, Rylee and Harry, you'll have to go through me!' He said I heard the strong brave voice that he used when mum told him to clean the bathroom floor or take out the trash and he told her 'no'. He was a very brave man, and he was fun to play princesses and tea parties with but with two fatal words and the flick of a stick the bravest man I knew fell to the cold hard ground with a sickening 'thud' I gasped and ran to the nursery "mummy he's coming and jay won't get up!" I sobbed she picked me up and put me in Harry's crib, usually when she did this I thought she was treating me like a baby and I always got so mad at her. But today I decided to suck it up and hold my crying baby brother for dear life. A bright green light hit my mummy and with a scream and a 'thud' (not as loud as james' but still scary) he walked up to us "happy Birthday!" He laughed but I don't think he meant it he said those silly words again and a green light flew right at me and Harry. But instead of US falling down, HE DID! he started fading and he ran away soon an ugly man with weird hair and a crooked nose ran in and hugged mummy.

He cried.

Harry cried.

I cried.

We all cried.

He looked at me and gave a watery smile I held my arms up to him an he scooped me up "what's your name?" He asked in a shakes voice. "Rylynd Lillian Lupin." I said proudly holding him tightly still trying to stop the tears. We heard yelling downstairs and I started shaking the man put me down "NO DON'T GO! IM SCARED!" he smiled sadly again and left with a loud 'crack'I burst into violent tears as Hagrid walked in he picked Harry up and gasped at mummy he picked me up to and carried us downstairs "MUMMY! JAYES! GED UP! IT'S MY BIRFDAY!" I yelled but James still didn't budge. Hagrid just held me tight "don' look rylee!" He said he got on uncle Sirius's motor bike I strapped myself in and he held on to Harry tightly and drove to a house far away.

"Hey! Tha'z my baby bruder!" I yelled as they put him on the doorstep of a house that looked WAY to clean and neat to be normal "yes rylee I know you are going to live with your daddy now-" I shook my head and ran to Harry hugging him and crying "NO! I WAN' MY MUMMY AND JAYES! I NO WAN' DADDY!" I screamed they tried to pry me off but I refused to let go of the tiny baby I gripped to him and the doorframe for dear life screaming and crying I knew I was making a scene but I didn't care. I. Wasn't. About. To. Leave. Harry. And now they knew that. Beyond the shadow of a doubt. "THIZ MY BRUDER AND I NO WANNA S'AIR!" finally they pulled me away and had to keep -literally- dragging me to my fathers house.


I always watched Harry. I know that sounds stalkerish but he was my little brother and I wanted to take care of him.

I watched him show his first sign of magic ability when he was seven (I was eleven)

I watched in terror as his horrible uncle ripped his invitation to hogwarts.

I watched them pack and leave the pathetically over clean house on privet drive, trying to run from the enviable.

I went with Hagrid to pick him up from the muggles on a secluded island in the middle of nowhere.

I'm almost positive aunt petunia recognized me: cause she approached me and touched my cheek with this look of sheer horror on her face my soft auburn hair turned a violent shade of fire-engine red with white tips. I was angry at her and scared that she'd reveal

My identity, she didn't.

I picked out Harry's first pet that he later named hedwig and had Hagrid give it to him later.

I helped him defeat Voldemort on TWO different occasions in THREE short years. (I graduated just before the tri wizard tournament)

I'd saved uncle sirius's life in the department of mysteries.

I'd slipped him clues on tests and homework and did everything I could to make him feel accepted and loved until last year when he found out that I was his older sister: now it's backwards, he stalks me and makes sure I'm ok 'cause we're cool like that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I slipped the wedding bands off their finger and put them on the chain o my locket that mum had worn (it also had mum's and james's and the promise ring Cedric gave me after he pulled me out of the lake for the second task.) I kissed daddy's cheek and hugged tonks and bumped into Fred "thanks for saving my life and all..." He said I nodded scared to speak, cause I knew my voice would only crack I wiped away my tears an heard a cold, evil voice drawl. "Harry potter is dead! Come see your fallen hero!" He laughed evilly and I burst into new tears I ran to The front hall and saw Hagrid holding my brother I ran but Fred grabbed my waist I pushed him off and ran to Harry with more tears running down my face I hugged him and Fred pulled me away while everyone else trekked out to the front I couldn't handle it anymore I had officially lost everything. I ran to the edge of the charms and apperated to Andromeda's house I ran straight to teddy who was sitting on the floor playing with his toys I picked him up and sobbed into his tiny shoulder andromeda walked in and gasped "who-?" She couldn't finish the sentence "I don't know I left when Harry died." My voice broke and I tightened my grip on teddy "dad and tonks are-" I choked on the massive lump on my throat and lifted the large locket revealing their wedding rings she gasped "can I take teddy?" I asked in a tiny voice she nodded "Dora would have wanted you to, teddy deserves a young mother who can care for him very well." He said through tears I hugged my step-grandmother and picked up teddy "we're going to stay in their old house, no one knows where it is an I don't ever want to be found. Will you be my secret keeper?"

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