Poofless: Storm

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-Author's note-

Dear lord, I haven't updated in ages. I haven't been in a mood to write in a quite sometime. Sorry about that.

This is inspired by the fact that Rob is actually scared of thunder. Yes, you heard that right. He once said it himself in a video. But since the whole "person A being scared of thunder and person B comforting them"-thing is so overdone I decided to do a new spin on it. A darker spin. Anyway this isn't really lovey dovey or funny one shot. It's pretty much just Rob not being able to suppress his feelings when he's overwhelmed. It might seem little weird at first since it's in third person, but I kinda liked it and I hope you will too. 

Pairings: TBNRfrags/PrestonPlayz x Woofless

Genre&Warnings: This is some sad shit. Self-loathing. Cursing. Onesided love?

Length: 574 words

Rob let out the whimper as another thunder roared. He didn't like storms and what made it worse is that he couldn't distract himself with games or something due to having to close his computer because of the said storm. At times like this he hoped he would have someone here to comfort him, preferably a certain someone called Preston Arsement. But like fuck he would ever confess that. Just like he'll never tell him he loves him. But that is not the current problem, even though the eternal torment of not being loved by the man you love is always present.

Rob hugs his knees tighter trying to concentrate on something else than that. He tries to use his brain for something useful like planning episodes for all his series and what to record on the side. Maybe an old school miniga-

His thoughts are interrupted by a loud, booming thunder. He freezes in his place and then starts to shake. He could feel tears running down his face while they clouded his vision. Fuck. He had thought that he could be strong and get over with this storm without crying. Guess he had been wrong. He's not strong enough. He'll never be strong enough. He will never be good enough. He will never be loved by Preston. Or anyone else by that matter. But if there is someone that would love him he sure as hell will never meet them. He will never be the best. He will never be anything actually important. Because he's such a fucking coward. Because he's a little insufferable prick who doesn't have good looks to make up for it. He doesn't deserve anything or anyone.

Rob let's the tears stream down his face and his thoughts to get darker and darker by the second. He thinks all of these things of himself, but he doesn't ever go farther than that. He wouldn't dare. He does it for his family, his friends and his fans. Even though he thinks the latter doesn't actually care for him for the most part, but there are still few of those who really need him to be there for them to cheer them up. He thinks he's doing a mediocre job there. He at least hopes he is.

He let's himself sink further in the couch cushions. Why did he had to do this to himself. Not that he didn't deserve it, he just wanted to know why he couldn't stop thinking like this even though everyone tells him he is loved and important. Maybe he doesn't feel like he is.

His thoughts are once again interrupted, but this time by a much gentler sound. His phone let's out a short tune informing him he has just received a text. Rob reaches for his phone and pulls it out of his back pocket. He wipes the tears from his eyes so he can actually see something and not just blurry images. He opens his phone and looks at the sender. What does Preston want of him now? He opens the text and quickly read it over. And then over and over again. It made his heart flutter and the streams of tears run down his face. Why did Preston have to do this to him. It is hard enough to be around him everyday. Why doesn't he just stop.

"Yo, Rob. I heard there was a big storm around your house, hope you are okay ♥"

He isn't.

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