11. the other side

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"I can't swim; I'm going to die!" Tristan screamed into the air.

"Just stand up."

The older boy slowly planted his feet on the ground, cheeks sheepishly reddening at the realisation the water only reached an inch above his belly button. "Oh," he murmured, running a hand through his sloppy, wet hair, "well, I didn't know that, okay?"

"You're so silly, Tris." Bambi let out a loud laugh, splashing the angered man with water.

Tristan screamed at the water falling around him, crazily flailing his arms once again. "Stop it, you!"

He giggled at his reaction before rebelliously splashing him again.

"I'm not playing with you, Bambi!"

"What are you going to do about it?" he challenged. Tristan narrowed his eyes at the mischevious smile on his lips before the small boy splashed him again, quickly turning away from the blond and speeding off towards the other side of the lake.

The twenty-one-year-old instantly ran after him, unintentionally splashing in the water as he shouted threats at the small boy. Glancing back at Tristan, he ducked underneath the lake, casually kicking water at the blue-eyed boy as he swam through.

"I swear," Tristan mumbled before grabbing him by the leg and pulling him back towards him, laughing loudly at the curly-haired boy struggling below him. Though, he easily wriggled out of his grip and jumped up from the water, throwing his straightened hair out of his face and laughing along with Tristan.

"You're having fun!" he noted, pointing a finger at the sight of his smile.

Tristan licked the smile on his lips to a frown. "No, I'm not. I'm upset. My clothes are wet, and you better be glad I don't have my phone in my pocket!"

"You were smiling and laughing," he accused with a smug smile on his face. "It's not so hard to be happy, isn't it?"

"Whatever," Tristan muttered before he suddenly caught sight of a little wooden house far behind the two boys. "Bambi, look."

He quickly turned around and took in the small sight. "Ooo," he commented, instantly running towards the tall grass leading towards it. With a shrug, Tristan quickly scrambled after him, crawling out of the pool of water and tugging off his wet shoes and socks before racing after him.

. . .

"I'm not so sure we should go inside," the blue-eyed man muttered as the two boys neared the cabin. It looked isolated and neglected, like no one had cared for the place in years. Tristan paused his footsteps and bent down to his ankles, cuffing the end of his wet jeans below his knee.

Bambi continued running through the tall grass despite Tristan's statement, pausing at the door and fumbling with the doorknob. The blond let out a sigh and followed after him, grass scratching at his calves. "You're not going to be able to unlock it," Tristan warned him.

He thoughtfully stared at the door before shoving his shoulder into it, the twenty-one-year-old's jaw droppinh as the wood automatically broke and the door fell backwards into the house. "I unlocked it!" Bambi happily announced as he freely entered the cabin - into someone else's property.

"Bambi!" Tristan angrily shouted after him, hesitantly scurrying inside the darkened entrance. It was larger than expected from the outside and crowded with furniture. "Fuck, Bambi, someone lives here. We need to go."

"No," he said, motioning towards the coffee table with rings marked on it. Running a finger down it, he showed the older boy his grey pointer finger. "See? Dust. No one has been here in a while, Tris."

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