Chapter 3.)

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So, you guys liking the book? {I hope so}
Lalas P.O.V
Well, everyone knows that Rachel likes Chase. Then, he walks in and Rachel and his eyes lock. They are mates. She got her wish. Hehe. Chase has brown hair, darker than Jaxons. Chase has green eyes, and is the same height as Rachel. I remember when they first met in Winn Dixie's. They were both not of age, so they didn't know they were mates. Rachel just turned sixteen. Anyways, I still have to deal with tight ass alpha. And embarrass Rachel.

I jump off of the table and walk over to them with a smirk on my face.

Rachel gives me that 'Don't you fucking do it' look and I ignore her.

"So Chase, did you know that Rachel has always had a crush on you since 6th grade?"

"Oh really? Is that true Rachel?" Chase says. He is trying not to laugh and Rachel looks like she is about to explode.

"Yeah, its true. Ever since we met at Winn Dixie's and you said you were coming too our school in 7th grade."

I walk away and leave the two to talk, only to come face to face with Alpha hottie. He smirks and picks me up, and I wrap my legs around his waist. He crashes his lips to mine and I swear in that moment I wouldn't move for the world. Our lips move in Sync and I only pull away for air. His lips are red and puffy, obviously. My wolf is begging for more. Then he has to ruin it by saying
"So, what was that about me having a nice ass?"

I tried to give him some smart ass remark but instead I couldn't say anything. My whole body heats up and everyone looks our way, and Rachel is giggling like a school girl. Damn you Rachel!

Then Mellissa walks up. I remember her from the ceremony. She was giving me dirty looks, but now she just walks up and taps me on the shoulder.

"Can I talk to the Luna?" She spat. I get off of Jaxon and walk out of the room with her, into the living room.

"Listen, sugar. The Luna title was supposed to be mine, so I suggest you step down and reject Jaxon, or I will rip your throat out."

"I suggest, you get a tampon and chocolate, cause you have a bad additude." I step closer, to her, and we are now face to face. "I won't back down from Luna title and I WON'T reject Jaxon. Especially not if some skank tells me too."

I grab her hair and throw her into one of the end tables, breaking a lamp under her body. She gets up and lunges at me, and I easily sidestep. By this point everyone is pouring into the room including Jaxon who has a smirk on his face. Nobody dares intervene when I get on top of her and throw blow after blow at her face. I am about to hit her again when Rachel and Jaxon grabs my wrist, and pull me off of her.

"Easy kitten. Don't want to kill the pack members."

The pack doctor rushes in and examines her face, before speaking. "She has a broken nose, and from the fall a broken rib."

"Kitten. Didn't I say not to harm the pack members?"

I speak with as much venom as I can muster, leaving everyone wide eyed. "Then tell your little sluts not to fuck with me."

I stomp put of the living room and up to my room and slamming the door, making four pictures fall and crack. I sit on my bed and pull out my iPhone, going to my music app Spotify and playing 'In The End' by Black veil brides and plugging it in into my radio. I get cupcake PJs out of my closet and a bra and panties out of my drawer before going to take a shower.

I step out of the shower and slip my clothes on, tossing my old ones in the hamper. I walk out after blow drying my hair and see Jaxon sitting on the bed. If he thinks I'm going to forgive him, he has another thing coming.

"Kitten, why are you mad at me?"

"Maybe because your little sluts think it is a good idea to mess with me! And maybe! Maybe you treat me like and object! So, that being said. Get out."

A little pain sprouted in my heart when I said that, and it made one thing clear. Don't insult your mate. He scrambles out of the room, and you can tell he is crying.
Ohh.. Big bad Alpha is crying.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2015 ⏰

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