-Series of Flashbacks-

Are you ready for this little sis?" Bianca looked at him nervously with onyx colored eyes,

"I guess, do you think I'll do good?" Percy shook his head and she deflated. He gave her a smile,

"I know you'll do good, Bianca your a fantastic fighter. Stop stressing okay? And don't worry, big brother Percy will protect you!" Bianca smiled gratefully at her brother and gave him a hug,

"Thanks Percy, your the best."


"I can't do it!" Bianca screamed in frustration as she tried to shadow travel, Percy chuckled and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Think of where you want to go, you have to really want to be there. Try going to that tree and back." He pointed to a tree and stepped back, she started to concentrate. A bead of sweat ran down her forehead and he could see a blue vein appear on her head as well. Suddenly she was engulfed in a shadow, she was suddenly in the tree. She was hanging off a branch by her shirt as she struggled to free herself, she kicked feebly and tried to grab something but to no avail. Percy roared with laughter making Bianca glare at him and she crossed her arms as she hung out on the tree branch,

"Get me down!" He continued to laugh as he got her down from the branch. She huffed and turned away from him. He stopped laughing immediately,

"Bianca, your shadow traveling has increased tremendously. I'm very proud of you." She turned to him and looked up at him in surprise,

"Your proud of me?"

"Of course! What's there not to be proud of? You can shoot a bow, fight with knives, and your godly powers have increased greatly because of your practice. Your the perfect little sister." She smiled widely at him and crushed him into a hug,

"I love you so much Percy." He felt his insides turn warm with happiness and he hugged her back,

"I love you to Bianca."


"So big bro? How are we training?" Nico asked as he, Percy, and Bianca laid out on the beach. Percy rolled his eyes,

"We are finding our inner...zen." Bianca snorted,

"Zen, sure feels like sun bathing to me." He looked at her offended,

"Fine! Follow me!" He got up and walked so he was knee deep into the ocean. Bianca and Nico felt nervous but Percy waved them over. They reluctantly followed and stood beside their brother,

"Now stand still." He ordered and they did. He swept them both off their feet and onto his shoulders. He then dropped them into the water making them soaked, Nico began spluttering while Bianca glared at the laughing Percy. They both shoved him into the ocean and he willed himself to stay wet. This caused an epic splash war before they started playing tag like little kids. Percy felt as though he was back in the hunt, carefree and happy with his siblings. He tackled Bianca lightly and began to tickle her,

"Uncle!" She cried as she erupted into uncontrollable laughter. He grinned deviously and kept tickling his sister.

-End of Flashbacks-

"I'm so sorry little sis, I couldn't protect you." He whispered as he rocked her in his arms, he was remembering everything special they had done together. He was a horrible big brother, he failed his sister and his brother Nico. He sent out a silent to his father and her body suddenly disappeared. She was dead...he couldn't seem to grasp the fact that she was gone, maybe it's a dream? He thought hopefully but frustration kicked in and the pain returned, he clutched his hair and pulled on it roughly as his head began to hurt. She was his first little sister and now she was gone. He should of saved her, he should of shadow travelled faster, he should of watched her more closely, he should of made her stay at camp. Now, because of Hephaestus's stupid piece of crap she was gone. Resentment flared, that stupid black smith had killed his sister to protect some garbage. His anger boiled and his eyes were aflame,

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