Telling Them

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Jason's POV

It's was December. Tomorrow is Christmas break. Sarah avoids to look me in the eyes since last month when she had that nightmare. It hurts me more than it hurts her.

"Jason!" I snapped out of my thoughts. Yami, Bakura, Marik, and Seto looks at me. They took me to Seto's house. The school had let us out early.

"I'm sorry. What were you guys saying?" I asked. They sigh.

"You've been spacing out for quite some time. Was it Sarah?" Yami asks. I had told them about what happen between me and Sarah. Well they confronted and managed to corner me.

"Yes and no. I have to talk to her about something." I said. As on cue Sarah and others came in. I stood up and walked over. I nod to then and they walked into the living room.

"We need to talk." I said as I lead her into the hallway.

"I know this avoiding me thing is hurting you more than it hurt me, but I'm not here to talk about that." I said. Sarah looks up at me curiously. Ok. We made some progress.

"We need to tell them about what we are." I said as Sarah hesitates before nodding. We walk back into the living room where Solomon, Serenity, and Mokuba had came in as well. We stood in front of them.

"We have something to tell you guys." I said.

"You two are in a secret relationship." Malik said.

"No. That's not it." I said.

"Damn. You two do live together." Malik said.

"True. Anyways me and Jason are robots." Sarah said. They gasps before talking to us. We were relived that they didn't hate us.

"Hey guys, it's snowing." Sarah said. Huh? I turned around seeing how Sarah was not beside me.

"You really need to stop disappearing." I said.

"It work when escaping that lab." Sarah said walking away. True.

"You like her." Joey teased me. My cheeks grew warm.

"What about you and Seto?" I asked. Joey blushed.

"I hate that bastard." Joey said.

"Hey Seto! Joey likes-" I was cut off by Joey's hand over me mouth. Seto came over.

"What do you want?" Seto asked. Joey gales at him.

"None of your business, money bags." Joey said.

"Whatever, mutt." Seto said as he walks away. Joey lets go of me and follows Seto telling" I ain't no dog!" I think. I walk in seeing Joey and Seto in an argument while Sarah and the others laugh. Was it just me or did Seto blushed? I shook my head and glanced at Sarah. Maybe you're right, Joey. Just maybe.

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