7 - DAY III: Trapped

Start from the beginning

While he is on the verge of leaking murderous aura, the awkward silence at its finest continued to dance and only the turning of a page could be heard throughout the room.

Link hummed some more before choosing for a more somber music and closed his eyes.


The sound of the Ice Princess's voice snapped him out of singing to look back at her in shock. She spoke! She finally started the conversation herself! Link couldn't believe what he was hearing so he instead said a "What?"

He saw Zelda's barely visible frown. "The one that you hummed just now before I interrupted you." She repeated.

Link blinked before forming an 'o'. "That? I don't really know." He saw her expression and tried to remedy the situation. "B-- but I used it in a howling stone to enter another part of the Sacred Grove!"

Zelda shifted in her seat a bit before gazing hard at him. "That song is only to be known by the Royal Family of Hyrule, the Leader of the Sheikah and/or the Hero of Time, grasping that information is stricly-illegal."

Blinking thrice from confusion, Link raised an eyebrow. "Uhhh... what? No. I mean, the howling stone. So yeaaah..." The Hero of Time knows that? He thought and then mentally shook himself. Of course he knows, duh, Link.

And then he saw her eyes trailing towards the book again and Link panicked. She's losing interest! This is the first time I can talk to her without her coldness! The song! It triggered something!

"S- so, about the song, what is the name?" He asked.

Zelda who had already lost interest, replied immediately without looking up. "Zelda's lullaby, a song deeply treasured by the royal family, I suggest you refrain from hummin--"

"Wait! A lullaby? It's a song about sleeping? But stricly illegal? What, did it make you feel sleepy?" Link asked, humored about the events.

However, Zelda was not. And realizing his tone, she bristled. "The song symbolized the sleeping of a fabled reborn goddess who had sealed herself for a thousand years to save her people from demise and only, will she be awakened with the help of a man garbed in green."

Link paled, the sudden understanding that he had just started to scratch again. He had somehow offended her. I never knew she was this religious! He thought and tried to remedy the situation at hand.

"That's Hylia right?" He cut in, remembering some of Shad's lessons. The People of Hylia...

Zelda ignored him once again.

Link mentally stab himself in the heart. Of course, of course. How can I be this dense, she may be the Champion of Nayru but the devotion of the Royal Family is centered upon the... uh... White Goddess, Hylia...? Is it? I got to pay attention more to what Shad always said. Ughhh, I am done for. It is hard growing up with humans and not a part of Hyrule, I don't know just how much they are devoted.

So, Link sat there. Contemplating how much his life sucks.


"What can I do for you?" Link kept staring at her and soon enough, she can't take it much longer and asked.

He shrugged. "Do you know of the legend of the Hero of Ti--"

Link watched Zelda tensed. What? He mentally wanted to ask.

"Haven't you consider the notion that I am not too fond of that hero." She chose to glare at him making his eyes' narrowed.

"Do tell." He dared. This is what he had been wanting to know for a while. Why does she hate that hero?

Zelda remained tensed before the book she was reading is slowly disentragrating to ashes by the fire she summoned in her hand. "You have no right to hear my explain."

"Have you even met him?" Link demanded.


"Then why hate someone who you haven't even saw face to face."

"Have you met him?" Zelda countered.

"No." He admitted.

After that, they stared at one another with calculated gaze. Not one is backing out.

Zelda coldly stated. "Stay out of my life."

Link smirked. "Try me."

"What profit will you even gain from this?" Zelda asked, raising an her eyebrow. He can see what seemed to be a knowing look on her face.

Link felt his heart stopped beating for a second.


A/N: DUN DUN DUUUUUN. And it's only the third day. What will happen next? Surely they will make up, realize they're made for each other and then kiss to stop this fight! Anyone with me!? XDD Yeah. I don't really know.

A whole chapter with them only! Yay! Worst time for not updating normally.

Signing off,

Mairia ang batang luhain


The reason I updated late is because the whole month of august for me is busy. We need to make a puppet show. Like, in two weeks time ._. And then there's my country's national language month (Buwan ng Wika) this august.

So... yeah. I will rarely update this month so expect... infrequent updates.



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