I'm sorry Part 2 (Syo x Reader)

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"I'm sorry Syo-kun!" She stood up and ran away from me....
I stood up and watch her ran away. I don't know why I just watch her ran away and didn't chase her. Did she say... She's breaking up with me? What? Why? Did I do something wrong? Am I not enough for her?



The sky started to rain and I just stood there for like 3 hours... Still thinking why she broke up with me... I don't know what to do anymore... I decided to go back to the dorm. Not caring if I got soaked in the rain.

*Third person's P.O.V*
Otoya just stood there by the window watching the rain pour down hard. He got that adorable bored face and his chin resting on his palm hands. He pouted "Mou~!! Why does have to be rainy today! The news said it will be sunny today!" He pouted even more (okai that's adorable!)

Tokiya turned his attention to the pouting Otoya "sometimes the news weather can be confusing."

"Ochibi is with little neko right? (F/n) is the name I think~" Ren said with his usual smirk on his face.

"I'm sure Syo-chan is alright~" Natsuki said with flowers around his zone.

The door suddenly opened revealing a small fedora guy soaking wet from the rain. His bandmates looked at him as he starts to walk in his room. His cyan senpai suddenly noticed about Syo. He's breathing... Hard... Natsuki looked at him worried.

*Your P.O.V*
I couldn't look at Syo-kun anymore.... Why is my life so hard?! I broke up with him because I'll be moving to USA... I tried to convince my mom and dad to cancel the flight two days before my flight. Why this is so sudden?!

I pulled out my phone and texts Syo-kun... "Gomen Syo-kun..." I closed my phone and waited for his reply.

I arrived at my home and took a bath to avoid getting sick from rain. As soon as I'm done taking a bath I check my phone and still Syo-kun hasn't yet replied to my text. I tried calling him, but he won't answer... Do you think he's angry at what I did? Depressed? We even promise not to leave each other. Ehe~ I guess promises are REALLY meant to be broken.

I grabbed my coat and my umbrella. I was about to leave the house until someone called me. I check my phone and answered it

"Hello?" I said.

"(F/n)-chan! You gotta come to the hospital! Quick!" A familiar voice said...

"N-Natsuki? Why? What's wrong?" I asked worried

"It's about Syo-chan!" My eyes suddenly widened and dashes to the hospital.

As I arrived there and entered the hospital. I saw STARISH and his senpai Ai Mikaze, in their seat and the others are leaning on the wall. I can their fists clenching.

Their aura... I couldn't explain the aura I entered.. It seems gloomy. I have this heavy feeling inside my chest and I started to get even more worried. I went to Natsuki who was covering his face. I tapped his shoulders and he looked at me.

"W-what happened to Syo-kun...? D-did something happened to him?" Natsuki stood up and looked at me.

"I'm sorry...." He closed his eyes.

"N-Nacchan... What happened? Why are you apologizing?"

I turned to Masato who was holding my right shoulder "Kurusu... Had a heart attack a while ago..." I looked at him. I don't want to believe him because I know Syo-kun doesn't get easily a heart attack! No! They're only joking!

"M-minna... Cut the jokes, this is serious! W-what happened!?"

I looked at Otoyan "don't you know, Syo-chan has a heart condition..."

*flashback and THIRD POV*
Syo was walking towards his room and Natsuki noticed he was breathing hard "Syo-chan... Are you okay?" Syo just nods and gave him a small smile. Syo's vision began to go blurry and it's like he's seeing doubles. He shook his head and his chest starts to tighten. He starts to breathe hard.

"Syo-chan!" Syo fell down on his knees and collapsed on the ground. Tokiya called the ambulance and Ren and Natsuki puts him down on the couch. Masato and Otoya went to fan him to keep him cool down.

"Ikki! Ambulance!"

"They are on there way!"

As they arrived the hospital, They put him in another and ran to the emergency room. The six members are so worried that Natsuki had to call (f/n).

Few minutes later the doctor came out and his head down. Otoya went to the doctor and asking how is Syo. The doctor looked at the bandmembers and sighs.

"I am terribly sorry for saying this but...." The doctor took a deep breathe "he didn't make it."
*end of flashback*

Your POV
"N-no..." I covered my mouth "N-Nacchan! It can't be true! Why didn't he tell me this?!"

"Ochibi doesn't want to you to worry his health condition. He wants you to be happy and worry free..." Said Ren trying to cheer me up. I couldn't resist crying and crying on Nacchan... Why Syo-kun didn't tell me this? Why?

Otoyan stood in front of me and hugged me and caress my head "it's alright (first name)-chan... Syo-kun doesn't want to see you cry..."

"Syo-kun! Syo-kun! Syo-kun!" I repeatedly saying his name through my sobs and hics. This is the day where I break up with him and this is the day he died. This is all my fault.

*Time skip to funeral*
I saw his twin brother crying and crying about him and saying 'don't leave me'
As soon as the burial is done. I went over to his grave and looked up at the sky.
"Nee Syo-kun... I'm sorry that I break up with you. I'm sorry that you have to go through all this." I smiled slightly and my eyes starts to water "Idiot... I love you Syo-kun... For all the things we did. All the things we do. I will cherish those in my heart and I will always remember you. I hope you're happy up their Syo-kun... I love you so much *sobs* I love you so much! I will remember you forever Syo-kun! You're my precious gift in my life!" Ichiban no Takaramono Syo-kun!"

Nacchan hold my shoulders and I looked at him. I smiled and wipes my tears away and went back to the dorm.


Kurusu Syo

I will always be with you


I suck at writing feels

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