Chapter One : The Book

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Someone's POV
I can't almost think that all the things that I thought are enough for us. There's this book that once I read says TIME HEALS ALL WOUNDS. But, for me, NOT ALL WOUNDS ARE HEALED BY TIME.
I'm now here in front of my rest house, still waiting..

Jeene's POV
"Too early to come here in school, Jeene, uh?!" right after I step inside the classroom, that's Elaide's welcome to me.

"Haha, you know, I'm just too excited. It's our last year in high school." I said to her. I didn't wait for her to respond, because I already pass right her and search for vacant seats.

"Let's seat here, Elaide." I offer to Elaide, after I found a vacant seat for us.

"You really love to seat beside the window you know."
Elaide said to me. I didn't mind her.

Yet, I put all my books inside the shelf looking box that is placed under the table. You're wondering right? It looks like a desk and you can put all your books or things inside it, it is secured because it has a lock. No one can really open it.

I saw a book, before I realize that all my things are messed up.

I get the book inside and I arrange my things again, after I arranged, I check the book. It is so beautiful. Even if it looks like old and tattered.

"What's that, Jeene, that's too old?" Elaide whispered beside me.

"Oh, shut it out, Elaide. You know that I like old things." She didn't reply anymore, because our Professor is here now, but the old book is still in my grasp.

The Professor starts to discuss. I remove away the dirt of the old book.

Seems like, I lost my senses as I read the title of the book.

"Read this and you'll find your destiny..."

I don't understand but I felt something unknown in this book. I gasp, as I felt the stick of our Professor beside my elbow, he told me that I wasn't listening.


Hoping you will read. :)

Yours truly,

Eristina Leyarouz

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