Dorm Room 210: Vodka Love

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"I didn't know you had a job," I exclaim, feeling an abundance of happiness for her. Rachel slides up next to me, wrapping an around around my shoulder, swinging gently. "What is it?"

Except Nicole doesn't share the same excitement, and shrugs it off. "Just something on the side, not really worth talking about."

"I've tried working at my local shops during high school, but I think the stress got to me too much because I was having panic attacks." A sudden burst of laughter erupted from me, remembering the look on a woman's face as she asked me where she could find pasta sauce. Rachel laughs too, sinking further into my side. Nicole shoots me a worried look before asking for two more sour heart shots.

"Oh my god, that's horrible! You poor, poor thing." She pats my cheek with the cold bottle. "You know what you need? A Sugar Daddy."

I scrunch up my face. "Why would I give myself away for money?"

Rachel rolls her eyes. "That's what they want you to think, but not all Sugars want sex." She pokes her tongue out.

I shrug, not really caring who wants sex or not, and dance a little on the spot, watching crowds of guys and girls dancing and talking together, colourful lights streaming down, given the added effect of black painted bricks and balloons.

Rachel pulls me in for the shots Nicole has in her hands.

"Hold my bottle, please." Rachel passes me one bottle as Nicole passes the shots out.

We hold the glasses up to clink, before tipping our head backs. It's easier this time, expecting the flavour and aroma to hit me with a sudden spice and warmth. I make a little 'ah' afterwards.

"Whoa," I say, stumbling back just a little. "That's good. I think I'll buy another one." The girls glance at each other. I follow their gaze. "Am I not supposed to?"

Rachel gestured towards the bar. "Go for it!" She takes the beer bottle from my hands. "Jesse and I will be in the middle of the floor. Nicole will look after you."

I turn to Nicole, my heart blossoming so full with happiness. Of course Nicole will. She always has been since she asked me to sit with them. I hug her, and her wraps her arms around me. "You're such a good friend. I don't think I've had many friends like you before, which is okay, Superman is glad there's only one of you."

She moves and grips Rachel's arm, pulling her back towards us. "You're not leaving yet, Ariel. One more shot, and then you can go."

Rachel pouts, holding up the beers. "Can I give them to him first?" But Rachel sighs, puts both bottles in one hand and pulls out a ten from her bra. "So demanding."

"I said shit," Nicole says, taking the money with a "Thank you" at the end.

Nicole eventually comes out with three tall shot glasses, full of light emerald-like liquid with a thick coat of brown on top. As she passes it to us, I notice the thickness the brown liquor has in comparison to the green.

Rachel raises her glass, I follow next. We wait for Nicole, but her hesitation makes Rachel raise a brow. "Are we cheering or not?"

She raises her glass, a sudden look of determination setting across her sharp wing eyeliner. "Let's each toast."

I hold back a laugh, but the sound goes comes through my nose. "Didn't know we were being fancy-fancy. Fancy-fancy toast. I want toast." Toast with butter and jam sounds so good. My stomach agrees. I pat it.

Whether the girls notice the moment between me and food, no one says anything. Nicole just nods enthusiastically. "Before we get wasted, let's just have a moment where we toast, whether we're wishing luck or getting something off our chest." She flicks her hand up, as if to say the idea just came to her head.

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