Chapter 9- Welcome, Welcome

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I crank my head as the door is burst open, a brighter light shinning through. I watch as Daryl is roughly thrown in, being forced to his knees with his hands also tied behind his bag.

"Useless trash.," I hear a deep voice mumble as the door closes. Daryl obviously didn't keep his mouth shut either. I hear him groan in pain, the light making it hard to see his face. As he looks up, I see a bloody scratch on his cheek starting to bruise. I begin to feel sympathy as I sit next to him. He too sits, letting out a deep sigh.

I slide my hands under my legs, bringing them to my front. I crawl behind Daryl and begin to untie his hands, an awkward silence taking up the air. The rope seems a lot harder to budge with my hands tied up. As I finally loosen the rope, I watch as he shakes his hands free. He turns around facing me.

"Thanks. Here.," he says, flicking his head at me to give him my hands. I slightly flinch as he begins to unravel the rope. I pull my hands back, rubbing my wrists. I was dumb to try and struggle earlier; it only caused me more pain.

"Thank you.," I say as I lean in to give him a hug. He looks like he needs it. Mixed emotions run through his eyes. Normally I would despise hugging Daryl, but right now I am glad to see he is alive. He hugs me back, not saying a word. I let go, letting out a sigh. I rub my wrists, the tender skin beginning to sting. We are in a big mess right now and with no one able to save us.

The group must be devastated right now. So many bad things are happening way too fast. I sigh as I think about Austin. I promised him I'd teach him how to ride a motorcycle, and I don't intend to break that promise. I wonder what Daryl's thinking about. Maybe Carol? Or maybe a plan to get out.

I look around the room, searching for anything I can use as a weapon Maybe we can break through the window? We both stand up and walk around the room. I head towards the window, lifting the dark curtains. They are barricaded. Great. I let out a deep sigh as I stomp the ground with my left foot in anger. The only way out is going through the house.

They stripped my jacket of any weapons I had, along with the rest of my clothing. All I had was that one knife in my jacket. Now it's gone. Daryl doesn't have his crossbow anymore either. We have nothing but the clothes on our backs. I go sit on the little bed, Daryl deciding to do the same. We continue to look around the room for anything.

"Hey, Daryl. Look at that dresser.," I whisper, pointing to a dresser to the left of the door. "We can break off the legs and use them.," I suggest, looking over at Daryl. We can beat up the next person to walk in. He nods, looking at me as he stands up. As he is about to walk, the door creaks open.

"Hello, prisoners," the Governor says, walking in. I glare as he calls us prisoners; he is clearly jealous of the prison we live in. Daryl twitches his face in anger. He must be upset we didn't break off the legs in time and make weapons. Especially because the Governor is the one to walk in. Daryl and I sit in silence, not bothering to respond to him.

"Now, do you want to tell me how many people are at that little prison of yours?," the Governor asks, walking closer to Daryl.

"I ain't tellin' you nothin'.," Daryl spits, his southern accent bold. He just stands his ground, ready for any physical attack.

"Well then you are coming with me.," the Governor says, smiling devilishly as two guards burst through the door and attempt to grab Daryl. Daryl fights back, punching one of the armed guards in the nose. Unfortunately, the two finally get a hold of him, forcing him out of the room, curse words leaving his mouth angrily. My heart sinks once I see him being taken. What are they going to do to him?

"Now, Nicole. Do you want to tell me how many people are at your prison?," he asks, his eye full vengeance as he smirks, walking up to me. I just shake me head, my mouth unable to create words. I slide back on the bed, getting as far away from him as possible.

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