chapter 2

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"I'll get it!" Michael yelled as the doorbell rang.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." I replied whilst half asleep on the couch.

A couple movies after Gabby left, I had grown tired, and was on the verge on falling asleep. The damn doorbell had woken me out of my sleeping state.

It was probably just Micheal's friends. I wonder who they are, or what they look like.

"Oh my god..." A unknown voice said.

"What is it, Luke?" Another unknown voice said.

"Oh, um...Nothing." Luke said.

"Okay then...So nice place Michael." said another voice

"Thanks, I'm not the original owner, I live here with my other two friends." Michael responded. "Speaking of friends, Christinia, wake up!"

"Ugh, What do you want Michelle?"

"Michelle?" laughter filled the room.

"Ugh, shut up guys." Michael responded. And with that I opened my eyes to see four abnormally tall figures. I scan the figures, studying them.

An average height brunette, with brown eyes and a broad torso, and a jawline that could probably cut diamonds.

A slightly shorter, muscular, curly blonde.

And finally a tall lanky blonde with a lip piercing. Wait a minute, I recognize the last one!

"Oh my god. You're the guy that was stalking me at the library!"

"I wasn't stalking you, just observing my surroundings." Luke defended.

"So you observed the plant for forty minutes too? or just me?" I pushed.

"I observed the plant too, wouldn't want it to feel left out." Luke said with a smirk.

"Whatever you say loverboy."

"Loverboy?" Luke asked cocking an eyebrow.

"Yes Lucas, now go do something that isnt bothering me."

"Well okay then, you guys wanna play Grand Theft Auto?" Michael suggested, probably knowing it was my favorite game. A chorus of 'yeah's and 'sure's were heard. Michael looked at me with an amused stare. I knew what he meant.

"Hey guys, can I play?" I asked innoncently.

"No." The three new house guests said.

"How about we make a deal, If you beat me in a heist than I will give the winner a blow job." I started.


"BUT, If I win than I can continue to play and you all have to take me to the mall and buy me whatever I want." I continued

They all exchanged looks before nodding. I jumped onto the couch, grabbing my customized controller and watching as they loaded up the heist.

Minutes in I was beating thier sorry little asses.

Minutes after that I won.


"How is that possible?"

"This can't be!"

"GG Chrissy GG!"

I turned to Michael and high fived him.

"You knew about this Mikey!?" Luke exclaimed.

"Yup!" he replied.


"You know what is unbelievable? The mall closes in two hours!" I said just as Gabby entered through the front door.

"Mall!" Gabby shouted running upstairs to do god knows what.

"Mall!" She yells once again running back down the stairs, stopping in the living room.

"Who are these very attractive men in our living room?" She asks me.

I look over at them, "Oh you mean these three losers?"

"Hey! Anyways I'm Ashton." He shakes Gabby's hand.

"I'm Luke." Luke says repeating Ashton's actions.

"And I'm Calum. And I don't do handshakes." He said pulling her in for a hug. She honestly looked in complete awe. I was concerned. Either she is high or she likes Calum. I will talk to her later.

"TO THE MIKE-MOBILE!!!" I shouted running through the front door and down the stairs.

We all climbed in the vechile and drove off towards the mall.

We arrived shortly after and decided to go in groups because Gabby and I have different tastes in clothing. Luke, Michael, and I headed to American Eagle and Hot Topic, while Calum, Ashton, and Gabby headed to Aeropostale and Pink.

This should be interesting.

Hello! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Remember to follow me on social media usernames are below!

insta: unquiffable.luke

twitter: focusedonbands

tumblr: focused-on-bands

have a good night!


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