A Day to Save the World

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So I know I said it would be mostly Clara's point of view and she still is the main character but she's off in LA LA Land with her "Doctor" soo... we'll get back to Clara. I think the real action is with the Doctor, River, and Daisy. I hope you guys really enjoy this story just as much as I enjoy writing it!

Doctor's P.O.V

"River? Can you teleport us to Earth?" I look over and already River is running around the console hitting the correct buttons. I keep watching the screen. Thank goodness the Tardis was already suspended over it. Bad news, we are being sucked in. But in a blink of an eye the Tardis is dematerializing. We land in London. I open the doors and look up at the sky. I can't believe it. The black planet was made from dark matter. And it imploded into a black hole. How did Missy do it? The black hole grew across the sky, grabbing the attention of millions of people. Confused mummurs and screams echo around me. The black hole wasn't expanding. The Earth is caught in it's gravity, and is being pulled towards it.

"How much time do you think we have?" River asks from next to me. She is also watching the sky. Daisy pops out soon after. Something about Daisy looks... off. "Doctor how much time?" River asks more insistent.

"A day at the most." A day to save the world. I guess I've done it in less time.

"So, what do we have to do?"

" Close up the black hole."

"But that's-"

"Impossible, I know but we have to find a way." I walk back into the Tardis rubbing away a headache. " Missy did this," I state.

"Maybe not on purpose. Perhaps she made a mistake and was sucked in."

"I suppose so. But why would she form a planet out of dark matter if this wasn't apart of her plan? And how did she do it?" River puts her arms around my waist from behind and pulls me into a hug. I relax some and lean into her. "I should have killed her a long time ago. I tried but I should have succeeded."

"You can't kill a Time Lord easily sweetie," River mumbles into my shoulder.

"I did. The whole lot of them." I am referring to the Time War. It was Daleks against Time Lords in a brutal massacre on both sides to a war that had no end. So I ended it.

"Now you're just trying to make yourself depressed. Come on. I think saving the world will do you some good."

I grunt in reply. I don't even have an inkling of what to do. I search through my mind for any incounters I've had of black holes. There was that one but that was for observation, maybe... nah that won't do me any good. But then a memory comes slowly into focus and it takes me a second to realize I've found exactly what I'm looking for. I start the Tardis for travel before I can fully comprehend it. River watches me happily.

"Husband's figured it out. Care to share?"

"River," I speak gravely. "We are going in." I toss the lever up.

"In where?" Her eyebrows knit together as if she knows but still doesn't believe me.

"The black hole."

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