Hush Little Baby Don't You Cry

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When Stiles found out she was pregnant, she freaked. Her and Derek just got their shit together, how would he take this? Not only that, but she just turned nineteen, she's still a kid herself.. She may have had a few panic attacks. So what did she do? She goes to the only person she can count on to think with their head & not their heart. Lydia.

 "Why are you banging on my door at four in the morning?" She pushed past Lydia & walked into the living room, pacing. 

"Oh my God, what am I going to do? He doesn't even love me! I'm just a fling for him. I can't handle this by myself. Oh my God, Lydia. Please-" 

"Okay, stop. Slow down & tell me what's wrong." Stiles took a deep breath. She pulled the test out of her pocket & handed it to Lydia. The red head stared at it for a second, before looking up at Stiles. 

"You're pregnant?" Stiles nodded. 

"I took three of them, all positive. I gave myself a few hours to panic & then came here." Lydia nodded. 

"Why are you worried?" 

"Because I'm only nineteen. Because I don't have a job, I'm barely affording my college courses. I don't have the money for a kid. I'm gonna be in this all by myself & I-" 

"Wait, why would you be by yourself? Isn't Derek the father?" Stiles nodded. 

"Exactly. He's gonna leave me eventually & adding the baby to the situation is only gonna scare him away faster. I'm just a fling for him, this-" Lydia grabbed Stiles' face in her hands, looking her in the eye. 

"Stiles Stilinski, you're going to listen to me & you're going to listen well. Derek Hale has never looked at anybody the way he looks at you. He didn't even smile until you guys started dating. You guys are sappy in ways that make Scott gag. Derek loves you. He might not say it, but he says it with his actions. Now, what you're going to do is call Derek-" 

"No Lydia, I can't-" 

"And you're going to meet him at your house, okay?" Stiles sighed & nodded. Lydia smiled at her. 

"You guys are going to be amazing parents." Stiles smiled a little. 

"You think?" 

"I know." Stiles pulled Lydia into a hug. 

"Thanks for being there for me." Lydia pressed a kiss to Stiles' head. 

"That's what sisters are for." Stiles smiled & pulled away. She was about to say something else, but her phone started ringing. Stiles smiled when she saw Derek's picture on the screen. 

"Hey babe, I was just about to call you." There was a pause. 


"Where are you?" 

"Lydia's, why? Where are you?" 

"Your house." Derek sounded off, there was something in his voice. 

"Okay, I'll be right there. I have something to tell you.. Are you okay?" 

"Ya, it's just.. We'll talk about it when you get here." Stiles' eyebrows drew together in confusion. 

"Uh, okay. I'll be there in a minute." The line went dead, worrying her even more. 

"I guess I don't have to call him, he's already at my house." Lydia nodded. 

"Do you want me to come with you?" 

"No, he sounded weird. But thanks again & if you ever need anything, I'm there." 

"I'll keep that in mind the next time I need to hide a body." Stiles rolled her eyes. 

"Goodnight Lydia." 

"Night Stiles." Stiles booked it to her house, her nerves eating at her. When she got there, she ran (stumbled) up to her room. Derek sat on her bed, looking down at something in his hands. 

"Hey babe, I have some big news." Derek looked up at her, tears in his eyes. Stiles quickly moved, dropping to her knees in front of him & wiping the tears away with her thumb. 

"Baby, what's wrong?" Derek lifted up whatever was in his hand, making Stiles look at it. Her eyes went wide. 

"Where'd you get that?" 

"Your bathroom. I came over to see you, your room smelt like panic. I checked your bathroom & there were two of these on the counter.. both positive." 

"That's why I was planning to call you over. I wanted to tell you.. I thought you'd be shocked, but not this upset." Derek stood up, moving away from Stiles. 

"Of course I was gonna be upset! You're planning on giving away our child!" Stiles stood, very confused. 

"What are you talking about?" Derek pointed to the panflets that were on Stiles' desk, which were about adoption. Stiles laughed, sighing in relief. 

"Derek, that's for the paper I'm writing for my sociology class. I'm not giving up our baby." Derek had more tears falling from his eyes, but he was smiling. 


"Yes, really. Now come here & kiss me." Derek chuckled & did, catching Stiles' lips with his. 

"Stiles.. I love you." Stiles smiled. 

"I love you too."

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