Chapter 1

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'Hmm... He sure was an interesting one...' Yato thought, remembering his conversation with Kiyoshi Izumi.

"Oh! I-I'm Kiyoshi, Kiyoshi Izumi. What's your name?"

"I'm Yato... Uh, just Yato."

"Nice to meet you Yato! Wow! Your eyes are really blue!"

"Uh... Yeah, I guess they are..." At that point, Yato had looked back down at his feet.

"You seem... Depressed. Anything I can do to help?"

"No... Thanks for the offer... But, no..."

"Oh... Alri- Yato? Hey, Yato, where are you going?"

Yato had just walked away, not saying another word to Kiyoshi.

"Teenagers..." Yato muttered, shaking his head slightly and sighing. His conversation with Kiyoshi had been three days ago, and now he sat on the branch of a tree, looking down at a park, where some children were playing. Two in particular stood out to him. A girl with long brown hair, and a boy with blonde hair.

'They kinda look like... Hiyori... Hiyori and... Yukine...'

"Get yourself together, Yato! You're a god! And... Besides... They're both gone..." He scolded himself while remembering what had caused Yukine to leave him.

"It's your fault! It's your fault she's dead, Yato!" He remembered Yukine's voice had been filled with hatred for the war god.

"Yukine! I'm sorry! I tried to save her! I really did!"

"No! Don't even give me that! It's just a bunch of crap! You sat there, and you watched her die! Did she really mean that little to you!?"

"N-no! It wasn-"

"Shut up! Just shut up Yato! I... I loved her! And it's your fault she's gone! For five years, I tried to forget about it, I tried to forgive you! But why should I!?"

"I care about you, Yukine. More than you know. It was either you, or her... I had no choice!"

"Just shut up... I'm leaving... For good..."

"Yukine! Wait!"

"Hey! Is that you, Yato!? Remember me!? It's Kiyoshi, from the other day!?" Kiyoshi's shouts snapped Yato back to reality.

"H-Huh!? Ah!" Yato lost his balance and fell out of the tree, landing on his back, in front of Kiyoshi.

'How does he remember me...? He should have forgotten me by now...'

"Hey, what were you doing up in that tree anyways?" Kiyoshi asked. "You looked like you were spacing out."

"Oh... Well... I was just... Remembering something... A painful memory..." Yato turned to leave. "It was nice running into you, I guess... See ya."

"Oh... Uh... Bye? I guess..." Kiyoshi stood there and watched Yato walk away, much like Yato had watched Yukine walk away that day.

'He's strange... But he's sad, too... I wonder what happened...' Kiyoshi wondered to himself, then turned and walked in the opposite direction of Yato.

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