"But I bought you fries..."

I scoffed and began walkung towards the door half naked. Stupid stupid stupid.

"Babe, you have nothing to worry about, august is just a friend." He hugged me but I didn't hug him back.

"You tired?" He said yawning.

I shook my head. "Well come sleep with me anyway." He pulled me into bed with him and I kissed his cheek.

"Just a friend"


3:45 am


I heard a sound from the kitchen. Channing was still sleeping so I grabbed a lamp and tiptoed to the kitchen.

I sneaked a peek into the kitchen, it was August?! Was she sleep walking? You should never wake a sleep walker.

She abruptly turned to me... with a knife in her hand.

"C-calm down." I said.

She threw the knife straight at me but I ducked, leaving the knife stuck in the wall.

I looked at her, fear in my eyes. She walked real close to me. We were face-to-face and she grabbed my chin.

She slapped me right across the face! Hold my earrings for a sec.

After that she walked back to her room and went to sleep.

What the fuck just happened?


"Channing listen to me!" I pleaded. He's shaving in the bathroom and I'm tryung to tell him what happened last night but he won't believe me!

"Anna I told you not to worry about her." He said, sounding ticked off.

"Why don't you believe me?!"

"Because you sound crazy." He laughed.

I inhaled sharply and turned to walk away.

"We need more cereal by the way." He yelled back with toothpaste in his mouth.

Sighing, I changed into short gym shorts and a tight grey t shirt that landed right above my belly button. You could say I'm going for the 'lazy look.'

"Where are you going?" August asked. She was laying on our couch watching tv.

"To costco to buy some stuff." I eyed her carefully.

"Can I come?"

No, no, no.


She was already dressed like she knew I was going out. Hmmm.

The car ride consisted of her talking about channing and hers adventures and me trying not to throw her out the window.


"That'll be $60.06." The lady said boredly.

I started taking out my money but the lady interrupted and said "thank you, have a nice day."

I looked and saw August putting her wallet away. I can't believe she paid.


12:43 pm

"Thanks for paying." I said while I pulled into the parking lot.

"No problem, but you owe me." She replied.

I owe her? Who this bitch think she is? I let her stay in my house for free, if anything shs owes me.

I turned off the engine and stepped into the elevator with her.

A Bit of Love/Hate (Channing Tatum)Where stories live. Discover now