Chapter 11

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"What's going on here?" A voice, which Louis and Harry knew too well, yelled

They rolled their eyes and turned to face the voice, Harry let go of Louis' wrist as the man walked to them "what the hell are you doing here?" Louis said annoyed

"Where are your manners mr Tomlinson?" Mr Widmore said frowning at the boy

"They left with my respect for you and the rest of the modest staff" Louis said smirking evilly

Mr Widmore raised his hand to slap the kid across the face but Harry was faster and pulled Louis behind him "Don't you fucking dare touching him" He said with anger boiling his blood

"I better not have to see you again anytime soon" the man said before leaving

When he was out of sight, Harry turned to louis "are you okay baby?" He asked, but Louis just nodded and locked himself in his room making Harry sigh and leave to his room, which was the one next to Louis'

After a few hours, at 3:30, Harry heard a knock on his door, he got up and opened, expecting to see a fan, but what he saw was much more beautiful than any fan in the world, a sleepy and cuddly Louis was standing in front of him, Harry's breath hitched at the sight, it was dark but he could see thanks to the nightlight he had turned on before getting out of bed

"I'm sorry" was all that left Louis' mouth before Harry smashed his lips on his, he pulled Louis in and locked the door

Im really sorry bc this chapter is really short but ill try to update asap

Lame excuse of the day: i dont have the next part here, i have it on a paper (fun fact: i have the rest of the story tho) and i have to save it here to post it so

I love you as much as always (im castle af and i had to write Always haha)

Whats going to happen next?? :)

Mire x

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