Bieber boy

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Later that night me,Chaz,Ryan,Justin and kenny decided to watch a movie.I was already in my pajama's so i was nice and cozy.Until Justin walked in.

Justin:can i see your phone?

Dylan:um sure?

I noticed him typing in numbers.Oh no he is giving me his number.Great just what i needed.Does he like me or something.

Dylan:what are you doing?

Justin:nothing.Just watch the movie.

Dylan:um ok.

Chaz:Justin just gave you his Number if your wondering.



Dylan:well goodnight.


Justin did like me.Did i like him.My dad would not like me.My dad would not approve.

Justin's P.O.V

Did i really like Dylan.Maybe i did.Her dad would not like me dating her.Most of the time i act rude to her because i'm a bad boy.I like her but she may not like me

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