summer here i come

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Today was friday the last day of school.Thank god i was dying of teachers yelling at me.Even if i did do something wrong.Since my dad is a music producer he made me go on a tour with him for the summer.So fun going on a road trip with your father and music people.....,NOT!I'm going to hate this summer.

This morning i was wearing some black shorts with a pink tank top and a black varsity jacket.The jacket had DY for Dylan Young.I love my name even if it sounds not so girly.I don't care i skate,play basketball,fight,do anything most girls probably don't do.Anyway i walked downstairs to the living room.

Dad:Dylan hurry or you will miss the bus!

Dylan:yes sir let me get my shoes.

When i was walking to the door i slipped on my black and pink Jordan's.Yeah i like Michael Jordan he is the man.

Dylan:bye dad!

Dad:bye dyl.

I hate school.It's like prison to me.It's a worst nightmare a kid could have.

Katie:hi Dylan.

Katie was one of my old friends who i didn't like.Clearly she didn't get the meaning of that last year.She has a high squeaky voice.She dresses like a barbie.I so have so many of those in my school.They are all so fake.

Dylan:hi katie.I said being annoyed.

Katie:i can't believe your going with someone on tour with your dad.

Dylan:yeah fun for me now get away.

Katie:wow you don't like me.

Dylan:aw i do like you!


Dylan:no i really hate your guts now get away from me you barbie wannabe.

After prison i walked Home.Seeing someones car and

another car witch was an a lexis.I loved those cars so much.

Dylan:dad i'm home!

Dad:hey Dylan this is scooter,Justin,pattie,kenny,and Ryan and chaz.



Dylan:hi now will you excuse me i'm going to my room.

Justin:um ok.



Dad:not nice stay down here!

Dylan:ugh! I wish i was still in Canada.

Justin:we all do.

Dylan:your from there?

Justin:yeah are you?

Dylan:heck yeah i am!

Justin:i like her.

Pattie:yeah and yall have the sane adittude.


Pattie:it's true.

Dylan:i have a temper so you make me mad you better be aware.

Justin:sure you do.

Dad:she does just don't piss her off.

Justin:we will see about that.

Summer here i come.Please be good to me.I really need a good summer

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