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Maggie POV

It was 9:45am, Justin came in my room and started bouncing on my bed.

Wait first let me introduce myself I am 17 year old Maggie Bieber, my brother is Justin Bieber and we are both world famous singers.

I am also an YouTuber. I have long wavy Carmel colored hair with natural highlights that goes past my waist. I have blues eyes with specks of gold.

People say I am the definition of perfect cause I have prefect white teeth perfect hair, a great voice, but I don't think that great of myself. But I do love myself it is just people say I am the most beautiful girl in the world ( she looks like Ariana grande, that is why I had the pics of her and Justin on the cover ) but I think that lots of other people are prettier than me. I want a tattoo but a small one on my wrist, I want a music note ( like Selena Gomez' ) since music is such a big part of my life.

My room is pink with black accents and has a chair hanging from the ceiling I have an Apple TV on my wall a king sized bed with a black frame and a fuzzy pink carpet that just is under my bed frame so it doesn't scratch my wood floors. I have a vanity with my mac book pro and in the draws I have all my phone cases. I don't wear makeup maybe a little on special occasions but on casual days just Chapstick since my eyelashes are naturally long. I have a big black M above my bed on the wall. There is a floor to ceiling window that shows a beautiful view of Beverly Hills. I have a walk in closet with two beautiful mahogany doors. And a bathroom with a shower with marble walls that as a little steam thing at the end but I don't use it and a bathtub, a mirror a sink the usual. I also have a bungee chair and bean bag chair. And in the corner of my room a huge teddy bear that Justin got me for no reason. I have a bunch of white Christmas lights on my ceiling so I can ' lay under the Stars' without bugs.
Ok back to the story

Maggie POV
Justin was still jumping on my bed. I sit up leaning back on my headboard.

" Good morning. " He says

" good morning" I say stretching.

" Get up my friends are coming over, and I want you to meet them. "

" Ok " I say getting out of bed brushing my hair. " Your hair is so long " he says. " So is yours, well for a guy " I say

" will you braid it for me " I ask

" If you come down stairs" he says

" k let me brush my teeth " I say walking in my bathroom grabing my toothbrush.

" I'll be waiting " he said walking out. I brush my teeth and put a hair tie on my wrist I am still in my pjs (since it is pretty cold outside and I don't really care I look presentable. I walk down stairs grabbing my black io hawk and gliding over to Justin in the living room putting in " the pest " one of my favorite movies. " Should we wait for your friends to come over to watch it " I ask " sure " he says sitting on the couch.

I sit on the floor so he can do my hair as he is about to start brading the door rings, we both get up. I answer the door to see Nash Grier, Nate Maloley, Sammy Wilk, Hayes Grier, Jack and Jack, and Matthew Espinosa. I move over letting them in. The all do the guy handshake thing with Justin and then he introduces me.

" So as you all know this is my sister Maggie " he says " I say

"hi" and they all give me a hug at the same time. I laugh. They let go,

" well do y'all want to go in the screening room and watch a movie " I ask

" sure " they say we go down stairs(kind of like a basement) I put in the movie and sit in front of Justin. I hand him the hair tie once again, when Nash asks

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