Chapter 7 : The new teacher

Start from the beginning

Please God. I have my fingers crossed, don't let the teacher see me come in, please don't let the teacher see me come in. Please don-

"Miss Camille Crusoe, I presume." I heard a womans voice say. The entire class turned around to look at me.

Dang it!

I  gave up trying to silently open the door and walked in the classroom. "Um.. yes professor."

"Late for my first class I see?" She said sternly.

Well I had DADA yesterday but you were'nt the teacher yesterday.

I kept quiet.

"Well, say something! "

"Erm... I got lost trying to find the classroom."

She looked at me with beady eyes and said " Because you are a new student and this is your first time in my class, I will let you pass with a warning. Go take a seat."

Phew! That was a close one.

I sat down on the first empty seat I saw.

"Good morning children. Ordinary Wizarding Level examinations!" She said. The words appeared on the black board.

"O. W. L" She said, as if she was teaching toddler how to pronounce the alphabets.

Who is this teacher anyway? I should ask someone.

"Hey," I leaned against the person next to me, still looking at the board. "Do you know who this teacher is?"

"She's Dolores Umbridge, new teacher." The person next to me replied.

" Thanks" I said.

"... More commonly known as, OWLs." she said as she stood in front of the class with a large creepy smile.

Woah, that is one of the most creepiest smile I've ever seen in my life.

"Study hard, and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so, and the consequences may be severe."

The hair on the back of my skin stood up. Dang, this woman is creepy.

She waved her wand at a pile of books behind her and they floated up, handing themselves to each student.

"Your previous instructions for this subject has been disturbingly... uneven."

One of the books landed on my desk and it read 'Dark Arts Defence: Basics for Beginners'

".. But you're pleased to know, from now on, you wil be following a carefully structured ministry approved course of defence of magic."

Hermiones hand shot up.


"There's nothing in here about using defensive spells." Hermione stated.

"Using Spells?" She laughed a hig pitched, squeaky giggle.

Creepy laugh, creepy smile ... creepy person.

"Well, I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom." She said.

"We're not going to use magic?" Ron questioned.

"You'll be learning about defensive spells in a secure, risk-free way."she replied.

"Well , what use is that? We're going to be attacked, it won't be risk-free." Harry stated.

She turned around ,"Students will raise their hand when they speak in my class." she said with a touch of anger.

I looked around the class and saw Draco scribbling something on his piece of parchment. He stopped, and looked around. He met my gaze and turned away.

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