People start moving around in their seats, so basically i chilled the whole class period and got a couple of mean mugs from trey and went through my whole day chilling so after that at the end of the day i went to my locker put all of my books and stuff up and saw prod and beauty walk up to me at my locker

beauty: hey jay you wanna ride home with us?

Me: nah im good its friday, you two go hang out or something

Prod: you sure?

Me: yea

prod: okay

beauty: bye jade

Me: bye 

i wave them off, So i start to walk down the hallway out the front door of the school down the stairs to my school bus until

Trey grabs me by my arm

Me: What the fuck trey let me go!

and he pulls me back to the steps of the school

Me: Trey! Your gonna make me miss my bus!!!

i said and I hit him

Trey: girl!

just then my bus pulled off oh my fucking god!

Me: Oh my god! How the fuck am i suppose to get home trey? YOUR SO FUCKING STUPID, I HATE YOU!!!

and i slap him again then he finally lets me go

By this time theres barely people at school so out of no where i just sit on the school steps with a attitude ready to kill this boy if he says anything and i mean anything to me


Wow i can tell i really done pissed her off, damn should i wait till she cools down to talk to her? ugh! fuuuuck she sits down on the school steps pissed the fuck off at me as always. what do i say to her? shit i really dont Like her ass and i know that she dont like me back but i do need to get this project done and i promise we both wont have to talk or even look at each other ever again but she brakes the silence

Jade: Are you fucking happy trey!

Me: were you fucking happy watching me fail

[TreyThought: im sorry im a boy and what ever i think comes out of my mouth]

Jade: actully yes!

Me: man whatever

and i shrug it off, this girl not finna talk to me any kind of way pshhhttt thats hells dead

Jade: yea whatever

and she gets up and starts walking

Me: where you going?

i yell after her

Jade: home!!!

she yells back with a attitude

Me: what about the project!

Jade: Fuck the stupid project trey! fuck you!

Damn was she bad when she was mad...wait, what the fuck am i saying?... i still hate this bitch ugh!!! Let me go after her ass, she probably don't even know where the hell she going smh so i grab my keys and drive after her yea i got a car yall must got shit twisted to think that im going to be riding around and getting it on a damn yellow ass school bus or walking home. plus my parents are rich, but not as rich as princes, they bought him two cars but he doesn't drive them because he's scared he might mess them up but yea what ever so I drive down the street and see her and I roll my window down

Mindlessly New ~A MindlessBehavior: Roc Royal story~Where stories live. Discover now