Chapter 8- Purposeful Facepaint

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P.O.V Eleanor

I left my hut and joined some of the boys that gathered around the fire again for midday meal. "What's to eat?" I asked as Slightly handed me a plate piled high with food.

"Pork, truffle sauce, and potatoes," he told me and we sat down on the log.

"It smells amazing, did you catch the pig yourselves?" I took a bite of the meat and enjoyed the delectable flavor, it was very tender and not too dry.

"Of course, we hunt and grow all parts of our meals. Connor and Owen spend a lot of time in the garden patches growing vegetables since they're too young to hunt with the rest of us," he told me between large mouthfuls of food. "Good, right?"

I nodded and stuffed my mouth with the palatable food. I made the assumption I would be joining the boys for the hunt, if I showed I was capable enough. "Eleanor, what's with the uh... paint on your face?" Gavin, who had just grabbed a plate of food and sat down with us, asked.

"Oh! Well, it is a tradition in my culture for the women to paint their faces with a paste mixture of some sort. The color of the paint doesn't matter, as long as it's on your face in some form. My mother preferred to ground charcoal, it was easy to make and she had always enjoyed the simplicity of black," I explain, I never even thought about how the others would react to the paint, but I did now.

"What was the purpose of it?" Both Slightly and Gavin asked still continuing to stuff their mouths.

I took another mouthful of food before continuing, "I have always been told it was to differentiate my people from invaders, however if that was the case, our men would be doing the same. So I don't truly know the full purpose of the paint," I said flatly.

"If you don't mind the question, where are you from?" Gavin asked, peeking his head around Slightly to see me.

I didn't hesitate to tell him, the boys would eventually figure it out if Peter or I didn't tell them, "I'm from the Terram Regnum in the Enchanted Forest, where are you from?"

His eyes widened in shock and I wanted to hide my face but refused to show how embarrassed I was at the moment. "That's where I used to live!"

My embarrassment quickly shifted to shock and then excitement, he was from the same kingdom as I was. "You aren't joking with me, are you?" I asked, a little unsure yet ecstatic.

"Of course not! I had lived there until I turned 16 and then Pan took me away and I went willingly. Do you know how awful our kingdom is to others?" Gavin asked, moving to sit next to me after Slightly had left to call more boys over for lunch. I shook my head, in all honestly I had no idea how awful my people were. "The Caelites destroy everything in their path because the king wants power and land. You can ask Liam and Owen, they were involved in one of our people's raids. Maybe they are not like that anymore but the magic we have is dangerous and dark."

When he mentioned 'we' I was scared at first, he and the other boys had no idea what I was capable of, unless they were told. I was scared that he had already knew I was different but as far as he knew that the magic bestowed on our people was only given to men. With my feet on the ground, I could still sends vibrations and pulses, even with the magical cuff that adorned my wrist. I sensed he was seemingly powerless which made my tension settle slightly.

"Why aren't they afraid of us, if they know how dangerous and cruel our people are?" I ask nervously.

"They had never seen a girl from our kingdom, to them you could be from anywhere and I wasn't involved with the Caelites, even though I do have a bit of magic," he said with a small smile, he twirled his finger and a rock about the size of my fist came drilling out of the ground. "It's not much, but it's something. It is useful when the pirates come around though."

At this time, more of the boys had come to get their share of food and Gavin and I had finished ours. "Gavin, can I tell you something, please? In private?"

He nodded and we set our plates in the basket of dirty ones. I led him away from the fire and towards the outer ring of camp. "You have to promise never to tell anyone about this, okay?"

"Promise," he said and waited anxiously for me to speak again. I was nervous and if my heart were in my chest cavity, I would be able to feel it beating rapidly.

"I have-" I am cut off when I felt the suffocating choking feeling as I fell to my knees. Peter had squeezed my heart again. I made a desperate gurgled sound at the back of my throat and fell helplessly to my side.

Gavin's eyes widened in fear and shock, he ran full speed to Pan's tree hut and screened up to him, "Pan help! It's Eleanor, she's hurt!"

I continued to lie there writhing in pain until the pressure was slowly released and Pan showed up with Gavin. I curled into myself, hands firmly on my chest and tears threatening to brim over. "Thank you Gavin, I'll take care of her from here. Go back to the boys."

I watched as Gavin jogged back to the blazing fire and took a seat, easily joining in the conversation. Peter kneeled down and swiftly scooped my body into his arms, I wanted to flail my limbs to get out of his grip but I barely had the energy and his intoxicating scent was messing with my head. He didn't say a word to me, nor I to him. He used his magic to transport us into his hut and he set me down on the bed, pulling a chair over for himself.

"We need to have another chat, Eleanor."


•I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, I had some fun writing about Eleanor's culture.

•If you did enjoy the chapter, please consider giving it a vote and/or commenting!

•Above is an image of Gavin

~Stay Lovely~

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