Chapter 13- 'E'

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P.O.V Peter Pan

Eleanor had fainted, partially due to blood loss, partially shock, and partially the chill of darkness added to your body when you kill someone. Yes, I had lied to sweet Eleanor. All apart of my plan. Though I did not lie about who was coming after her.

She'd been living on Neverland for a three months exactly, I had kept track. In her world, time moved faster, three months here was 10 years there.

Much has changed. Here and there. I no longer believe Eleanor is a daughter of the Terram Regnum. She had more power than the average Caelite. She had too much power to be one of her people. The moment I took her bracelet off, her magic surged. It took on new elements, ones I had yet to master myself. The weather changed with her emotions and nerves. It took me a while to sift through all the information, but I believed I had figured out who she truly was.

When I was originally left alone on the island, the Shadow, a opaque black figure with glowing white eyes, had told me a tale of Neverland's beginning.

The tale of the Girl of Neverland. It was about a young girl who had basically been abandoned on the island-left for dead. However, being enchanted the way it is, the island kept her alive. The island had given her a life force of magic, which she used to protect the island from harm. Her powers could do many amazing things, just as Eleanor's could, and because it was always used in protection of the island. She was easily swayed between bad and good.

It was believed by the people of other realms for the girl to simply be called 'E'. As well, she was believed to be reincarnated after she fell ill by dream shade. Thou shalt be my protection or demise, Neverland. Thine next in line shall be of E, born of Mater Terra, shall she be.

That was it! Eleanor was the Girl of Neverland. Eleanor was E. It all began to make sense to me. The story wasn't just about a girl on Neverland, it was Neverland in a human form, protecting itself. This also explained why she was so powerful. There was no way now that I was ever letting her leave, she was the islands lifeline. If she were to die, I was unsure of what would happen to the island, but I wasn't in the rush to find out.


At the moment, Eleanor was lying on the cot in my hut, her chest rising and falling evenly. She had been out for a while, which wasn't uncommon, but I was hoping she would stir soon.

I sat around studying her for a long while, in wait. Despite not growing up any longer, she looked different than she had before. Her hair was longer and matted with mud and blood. Her small hands had calloused from working with them every day and she had a few new scars from recent events. Despite that, she had reminded fairly unchanged. Yet, she was still utterly intriguing to look at. I didn't want her to leave my sight-not because I had feelings for her, just because she was so powerful and important.

I was about to give up on waiting and busy myself elsewhere when her hazel eyes fluttered open. "You're awake. How do you feel?" I asked, holding out a cup of water to her.

"I've been better, but it doesn't hurt anymore," she said, lightly taking the cup, our fingers brushing. It sent tingles up my arm and I helped her sit up, leaning against the wall. She ran slim fingers over the faint scar over her stomach and made a face at her blood ridden and ripped clothes. Wrinkling her nose, "There really is no use trying to clean these anymore."

I chuckled and she had cracked a small smile. "What's so funny?" She asked, downing the water.

"Just the fact you were cut open a few hours before and here you are wrinkling your nose at your blood covered shirt," I replied, leaning back into my chair. "There is something important I need to tell you though."

A look of concern flashed on her face, I wasn't quite sure what she was thinking but it probably wasn't good. She put a shaky hand on her stomach, which had fully healed into a thin white scar on her olive skin.

I took a breath, keeping my green eyes locked with her entrancing hazel ones. "You aren't quite who you think you are."

Surprisingly, she found it funny and stared at me in disbelief. "You think I'm not who I say I am? That is absolutely preposterous!"

I felt a tinge of anger, she didn't believe me. "Eleanor, it is not that I do not believe who you say you are. I have reason to believe you are not quite who you think you are."

"Then tell me, Peter Pan, who am I?"

"You are Neverland. Well, a human incarnation of Neverland," I paused, and watch her expression which hadn't changed. "I can prove it, just come with me to Dark Hollow, everything will be explained there."

"Fine, lets go."


Sorry this chapter is late and short. Very very sorry! I've been rather busy the last few days and some personal issues have come up. I promise the next chapter will be longer and better!

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~Stay Lovely~

The Angel and the Demon {Peter Pan/Robbie Kay} FanficWhere stories live. Discover now