What to Do, What to Do?

Start from the beginning

"I know right? It's just like unbelievably amazing! He's just so...Austin." Ally said dreamily. Trish laughed at Ally's expression. 

"I love how happy he makes you," Trish smiled. "But now we've gotta figure out what to do about the video." 

Ally's face fell. She had almost forgotten all of the things people had said. "Maybe we should have a Team Austin meeting about it?" she asked. Trish rolled her eyes. 

"I know you just want to see Austin. But hey, no harm in that. Go ahead and call him." Ally picked up her phone and called. 

"Hey Ally," he answered on the first ring. His voice made her smile. 

"Hi! So Trish and I were thinking we could meet you guys at Sonic Boom in like half an hour?" 

"Sure! Can't wait to see you," he said. 

"Same here! KK bye!" she hung up grinning. "I guess I better get dressed." With her best friend's help, Ally picked out an outfit and walked into the bathroom. Ten minutes later, she was ready. 

They walked downstairs into the kitchen so Ally could make a quick bowl of cereal. Then they were off. 

By the time they arrived, Dez and Austin were already there. Ally gave Austin a quick hug before Trish interrupted them. 

"Okay, down to business. So we all saw the video. And we all saw the comments, correct?" Everyone nodded. "So our goal is to prove to everyone just how awesome Ally is." Austin put his hand on Ally's shoulder, and she smiled up at him. 

"So what's our plan?" Dez asked. 

"Yeah, I really want to stop this," Ally said. "Whoever posted that video, don't they have any respect for a persons privacy? And then all of the follow up comments-" 

"Look, I'm sorry, okay?" All four of them turned around to find a girl maybe a little more than a year younger than them staring directly at them. Ally frowned. 

"Why-" Ally began. 

"This is all my fault. I posted the video. I'm really sorry." Nobody spoke for a long time. Then Austin raised his voice. 

"Why would you ever-" 

"Austin, calm down," Ally soothed. Then she faced the girl. "What's your name?" she asked softly. 

"Indigo," the girl answered with a murmur. 

"Indigo...can you explain why you took the video in the first place?" Indigo looked nervously at Austin, Trish, and Dez. 

"Um, I don't really know..." she whispered anxiously. Ally put her hand on Indigo's shoulder. 

"Can you tell just me?" Indigo seemed unsure at first, but finally nodded. Ally lead her over a few feet away from everyone else. 

"I'm not popular or anything. Nobody cares enough to be my friend, and the people who do talk to me are just insulting me. I've tried to meet new people, but it never works." Her eyes began to fill with tears. "I just thought...maybe if I did something that would make everyone finally acknowledge me, that would change. And...when I saw you two on the beach...that just seemed like the perfect opportunity." Indigo explained, and a tear rolled down her cheek. 

Ally felt terrible for Indigo. Now that she knew the girls story, she didn't feel quite as hurt. But that didn't make everything okay. 

"And did it work?" she asked. 

"Not really. I didn't think it would, either. It was wishful thinking. And...I'm so, so sorry Ally. I wasn't thinking of what could go wrong, and I definitely wasn't expecting anyone hate you for it. I mean, I see you at school, and I look up to you. You're awesome. But you probably hate me now." she said sorrowfully, looking down at her feet. Ally put her hand on Indigo's shoulder again. 

"I don't hate you. Everybody makes mistakes, and I understand why you did what you did. And as long as you understand that what you did was totally wrong, I forgive you." Ally assured her. She gave Indigo a hug. Indigo gave Ally a small smile. 

"I don't deserve your forgiveness. Thanks for understanding, though. But...what about them?" she questioned, looking at the rest of Team Austin. Trish was glaring at Indigo. Austin was giving Ally a confused look. Dez was putting a sweater on a teddy bear. 

"Don't worry. I'll explain what happened to them, if that's okay with you." Indigo nodded. 

"It's fine. I just don't want them to hate me." 

"I'm glad you explained everything to me, it really means a lot. Can I get your number? I have a feeling we might need to talk again to help us solve this mess." Indigo gave it to her. 

"I'm sorry again, Ally. But I gotta go. Bye!" 

"Bye," Ally said, giving Indigo a small wave. She then returned to her friends. 

"Care to explain why I need to pulverize that little twerp?" Trish growled. 

"Chill guys. I have to tell you her story." Ally repeated everything Indigo had told her. When she finished, Austin nodded slowly. 

"I'm not sure if I totally forgive her for hurting you," Austin began, putting his arm around her, "but I'm not mad." 

"Thanks Austin," Ally said quietly. She leaned in to kiss him. Dez stared at them awkwardly. 

"Dez!" Trish whispered. Dez's attention snapped away from Austin and Ally as Trish pulled him out the door. 


Yay I finished that faster than usual!  

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