2. Scorching Love

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You awoke to a knock on your wooden door.
"Who the hell is waking me up at this hour?" You scowled. Erwin walked in with a smirk, immediately making you feel bad.
"I'm so sorry-"
"Its fine." He chuckles, sitting on your bed beside you, making you sit up.
"So, what's going on?" You questioned, resting your head on your fist.
"Corporal Levi is sick."
"You were chosen to take care of him."
"That is an order." He looked into your eyes seriously. Sighing, you nodded. He smiles.
"Okay, he is in the kitchen. You are to make him soup." Everyone always wanted you to cook, you were apparently 'The Best'.
"Sir." You nodded, getting up and tying your hair up. Erwin left quickly, flashing a gentle smile just before. You roll your eyes, then walk out of your room to the kitchen. Opening the door, you see Levi sitting in his usual spot. The dark circles under his eyes had darkened, and he was paler than before with a red nose. His gaze drifted to you, his eyes widening.
"I thought you weren't going to come." He smiles a little, making your cheeks turn a dark crimson. He could smile?
"Erwin gave me orders, and I will obey them." You said simply, shocked you didn't stutter. You walked up to the cupboards and took out all the necessary spices needed for the soup. You took out a pot and quickly filled it up, pouring in veggies and spices. Putting the lid on top to let it boil for a bit, you turned to Levi.
"Corporal, how are you feeling?"
"Feel my temperature." He said with a nonchalant expression. You hesitated, then walked over to him. Crouching down, you put the back of your hand on his forehead. He flinches.
"Wow. You're really hot."
"Why thank you." You hit him lightly, smiling.
"So the soup should be-" Before you can finish your sentence, Levi tackles you to the floor. You let out a little scream.
"Corporal....?" He stares into your eyes.
"I want a hug." He demands, giggling and getting off of you. His giggle is really adorable. Awkwardly, you hug him.
"I think you should head to bed, huh?" You get up and offer your arm. He accepts, walking off with you to his room. Whilst walking, he licks your ear. Ignoring it, you try not to blush madly, but that doesn't work. You open his door and put him on his bed. He hooks his arms around your neck and holds you close.
"Please don't leave me.." He whispers, and you soon feel tears soaking your shirt a bit.
"I won't, Corporal." You salute him and he frowns.
"Call me Levi, and don't be so formal." You laugh a bit and he smiles. You wipe his tears away, looking into his eyes sincerely. He leans in, making your eyes widen.
"Kiss me." He demands seriously. You gasp, completely shocked.
"Wait. What...?" You look away from him and get up. "You need to sleep."
"But-" Levi tries to object. You feel more strong now.
"Now, sleep." You order again and he looks at you, baffled. You give him a kiss on his forehead, laying him down and tucking him in. You wait until you hear his soft little snore, then leave to your room. On your way there, you remember something.
"THE SOUP!!!" You bolt to the kitchen, barging through the door to the soup, which had overflowed and covered the floor and stove. Cursing under your breath, you carefully turned it off, only to get your arm burned by scorching hot water. Hissing, you pull away, holding your arm as pain was all you could feel.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck!!!" You fall to the floor, grasping your arm in agony. It wouldn't stop burning, so you stumbled to the sink and ran cold water, then slowly put your arm in. Screeching, your wound throbbed with pain. The door flew open, revealing Levi, still in his pj shirt and pants.
"What the hell happened?" He barked, running over to you and helping you stand up.
"I-I burnt m-my a-arm, explain more l-later.." You stuttered out your tear covered lips. He yelled for help, and Eren, Erwin, Mikasa, and Jean stormed in. They all helped bring you to the infirmary, whilst Levi carried you bridal style. Closing your eyes, you felt strong dizziness wash over you. Holding onto his neck, you let sleep take you.


"Its going to scarr all over her arm, that's for sure. But she will be fine. Just make sure she doesn't take off her cast." Erwin's voice said. You opened your eyes, sitting up. Then, feeling a little stinging on your arm. Looking down at your arm, a white cast covered it.
"(Y/n)! Oh thank god." Levi exclaimed, rushing to your side.
"Levi.." You said, hugging him tightly. Erwin stood there, sneering a bit, then left.
"Now what were you doing burning your arm off?!" He scowled, staring you down.
"It was the soup. I was making soup for you because you were sick, and I rushed you to bed because you were acting up. I remembered I was boiling it when you had fallen asleep, then went to turn it off. While doing so, water splashed up from the pot onto my arm." You said simply, swinging your legs over the bed to sit up more. Levi looks down, and you see a tear fall down his cheek.
"This is my fault..." He muttered, making you get up and lift his chin up.
"I would burn all limbs if it meant you getting better. This wasn't your fault, it was my choice." Levi looks into your eyes, then pulls your head towards him, kissing you passionately. You returned the kiss, sitting on his lap and straddling him. His hands went down to your hips, kissing your neck. He purposely leaves marks, nibbling on them. You moaned as he hit your weak spot, making him growl at the sound.
"Let's go to my room." He whispers, smirking at you.
"Yes, sir."

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