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Gerard POV:

Gerry was getting restless. He hadn’t been working since Burns, and none of the scripts he had read lately were of any interest to him. Every one of the scripts called for him to play the mysterious guy or a jilted lover. He wanted something different. He wanted to do a movie that was fun and dangerous. He wanted to play a character that was challenging. 

The door of his apartment opened. It was Lisa. She had called earlier and she said she was bringing a new script for him to read.

“So what is it this time,” he said. “Another love story or do I get to kill someone.”

“Nope, this one is very different,” she said with a smirk. “Have you ever heard of Mötley Crüe?”

“Not really.”

“You know that song “Dr. Feel Good”?”

“Oh yeah, I love that song.”

“That is one of theirs.”

“What about them?”

“They are making a movie about the band. The movie is called The Dirt and the studio wants you to play Nikki Sixx, the bass player.”

“Sounds interesting.”

“Here is the script. I will put on a pot of coffee. I need you to read it quickly.”


“I mean it Gerry, this role would be perfect for you and the American accent will be much easier than the one you did for “Gamer.”

“Don’t worry about the coffee, I think I am gonna go over to Starbucks and get some.”

“Whatever,” she said as she walked out the door. 

Gerry had been going to Starbucks almost everyday that he was in New York. He did love their coffee, but in the back of his mind he always though he would see her again. This time he wouldn’t let her run away.

He decided to take the script with him. He knew he could get more reading done there than he could in his apartment. It was just too quiet there, and the smell of freshly brewed coffee relaxed him. The employees were really nice there and there was a chair in the corner facing the window that he could sit at and not be bothered. He got his triple venti latte with real milk, not that soy shit, sat down in his favorite chair, and began to read. ‘These people are crazy,’ he thought. ‘How is it possible for two people to finish an 8-ball of coke in only a few hours? And I thought I partied hard.’ After an hour of reading, Gerry had to pee. When he got back from the bathroom, he looked out the window. He saw Ann getting out of a cab. He wanted so badly to go talk to her, so he quickly gathered up his things. But on his way out the door, he was stopped by a group of ten fans. He though about saying he was in a hurry and leaving them without any autographs, but he decided it was better to appease them. As he stood with them, taking pictures and signing autographs, he watched Ann walk into her apartment and out of site. 

Ann POV:

Ann was exhausted when she finally got home. She had just finished a two month mini tour of small venues in the New England area as well as the Mid-West. The crowds were great and every once and a while she would see someone she went to high school with. That part was strange, but she got used to it after a while. It was a thrill for her to play at The Vogue, a little place in her home of Indianapolis, IN. There were times when she was younger that she wanted to see a concert there, but because it was a bar, she couldn’t go.

When Ann was in Indy, Lynn came with her and one night after here show they decided to go to Perkins and relive the old days of when they would sit in the booths, drink coffee, smoke cigarette after cigarette, and talk about nothing. When they walked in, she got recognized by a few people. No matter how long she would be in the business, she didn’t think she would ever get used to the fact that people wanted her autograph. 

Gerard POV:

Gerry got so into the script that he stayed up all night reading it. He called Lisa the next day and told her to call the studio and tell them he would play the part. Over the next month, while the movie was in pre-production, the studio suggested that Gerry learn to play the bass, so that he would be better able to play the part. He started to listen to a lot of Crüe’s music. Though he wouldn’t have normally listened to it, he thought it was pretty good.

Finally it was time to start filming. He flew out to LA and met with the band as well as the actors playing them. Over the next few months, he got to know all of his fellow actors, but he became good friends with the guy playing Tommy Lee, Brendan Fehr. They didn’t really have anything in common but they cracked each other up. It was like having a little brother because sometime Brendan didn’t know when to quit drinking and Gerry had to carry him back to his place. The nice thing about hanging with Brendan was that he was popular with the ladies. Not that Gerry had any problem in that department, it was that the girls that Brendan attracted were a different kind of girl; they were a lot more fun, and most of them just wanted casual sex. Gerry had no problem with that.

It only took three months to film the movie and then it was time to start the talk show circuit. For a month or so before the movie premiered, Gerry got asked about a hundred times a day if he did his own singing. He was really getting sick of it. One day before an interview for some stupid news paper, Lisa had to smack him because he tried to go in wearing a sign that said, “Yes I did my own singing and played the bass”. Lisa did however think it was funny and they both had a chuckle about it. Finally it was time for the LA premier. This one was going to be different. No one was going to be dressed in stuffy suits. ‘Thank God,’ Gerry thought. “But where am I going to get a proper 80’s outfit,” he asked Lisa. She told him to wear some leather pants and she would go out and find him a concert tee. 

“You will look fine,” she told him. “You know how much the tarts would love to see that ass of yours in a pair of skin tight leather pants.” Gerry laughed at the though of how loud they were going to be. 

“You know I am going to have to wear ear plugs because of your suggestion,” he told her. “Those girls can get pretty loud.” The only part that scared him was how ridiculous his package was going to look. 

As if she knew what he was thinking she said, “Don’t worry. At least you can fill out the front of those pants. Some guys can’t.” This made Gerry laugh, but he still felt stupid.

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