A torn flipped blue tie struggled to hang off his neck by the last string that had survived and his white shirt beneath it all was just as bloody and dirty as the trench coat,yet he didn't seem injured just silent and tired. The man seemed familiar and a memory tugged at the back of her mind but she couldn't make it out. She knew she knew him but she couldn't place where.

"Hoo--" she stuttered and he took a steady step forward.

"Who am I? I am no one of your concern." Again the deep voice rattled his vocals and she found herself mesmerized by the blue eyes. "Listen to me,I know who you are and we only have a small matter of time." Baby stared at him cluelessly as he explained on.

"Time?" She managed and he nodded seemingly distracted and reached for her hospital gown. Baby pulled away defensively,as crossed over her chest.

"Please." His eyes burned with such intensity she uncrossed her arms and allowed him to untie the hospital gown,it folded forward around her tiny waist and the man pressed two fingers to her forgets in a practiced formation. Baby wasn't very good at human interaction but she knew this probably wasn't common. "Let me in." He advised and she felt a burning type feel throughout her body.

She waited but nothing happened the blue eyed stranger still stood,eyes closed, his hand now burning hot against her forehead. He is crazy. She thought to herself.

"Why won't it work." He cursed as the heat grew more intense.

"Stooop." Baby groaned the heat was beginning to become painful and feverish.

"No I'm so close." He refused sounding like he was on the edge of winning at an incredibly difficult game. As fast as the crack of a whip,his eyes snapped open and he shook his head stumbling back. "Not possible."

"Whauuat?" Baby wondered aloud.

The man had fallen into the floor and was staring at her in awe. He appeared to be speechless though moments ago was he seemed to be filled with confidence and pride. Blue eyes unwavering he spoke finally.

"find Dean." Those two words were his last when he disappeared. Baby blinked wondering how the dirty man in the trench coat could be there one moment then not. Find Dean. Maybe she was crazy,after all she was in a hospital. She must have been dreaming she thought though she knew better.

Find Dean.

Again the thought plagued her yet only confirmed what she was trying to do. Some how the blue eyed man had intensified her mission making her feel that finding Dean was essential like if she didn't death would follow. What has he been doing to her head? She rubbed her forehead curiously yet everything seemed intact.

"Not possible." What had he meant by not possible? She thought. Her waking up in the hospital,dreaming,what? She didn't know. The burning feeling still hadn't left her body and she knew the encounter must have been real. Baby held a cool back of her hand in attempt to cool her burning head.

She was so involved she didn't notice a doctor find her way in.

"Yes,feel hot? Headache? Those are just some possible side effects of the medicine we gave you,I'm glad your awake."

"huh?" She babbled doubting her own theory.

"Yes,you've experienced some brain injury most likely during the storm last week and damaged a part of your brain controlling memory and speech. It may set you back, you may have difficulty to walking, among other things."

Baby listed to the explanation taking it in like cold coke on a hot day. This explained how she woke up and the memory loss,the hallucinations,having to walk,the bruises. A part of her was sad. It explained everything. There was no blue eyes man no model Dean or his brother 'Sammy'. It was all in her damaged head.

"when Dylan,the gas-n-sip clerk,played a song it may have triggered a forgotten memory and sent you into this state and now here we are." Baby listened to all this a part of her relived and the other sad. Her first thought after the accident was Dean and now he wasn't real. "I know this is probably difficult for you to hear."

Baby nodded,she felt as if the ground was yanked from beneath her feet like standing in a table cloth that was yanked form the table. Two steps forward one step back.

"Your life will be very different now and we think we have been able to identify you." The doctor smiled proudly. "We have found your home."

They brought her a laptop and she scrolled through what supposedly was her personality. A picture of a skinny young girl with dark hair and light skin smiled back,holding a baby,tall dark skinned man beside her arms over her shoulders. Apparently her name was Charolette "Char"Jo Richards and she lived with her boyfriend,Thomas Jay Walker. They had a son,Benjamin Jay or B.J.

The faces and names are blank and did not spark any memories like the music or mention of Dean's name. Yet they must be her family. She read she was missing for three years,they had thought she just up and left. The small family was contacted and were on their way to Kansas from Newyork.

It all seemed so strange like things were moving too fast. She had a boyfriend And a baby? No,it was only a week ago she had her first thought, wasn't it?

"You'll be back on your feet in no time" the doctor piped encouragingly though Baby wasn't so sure herself. "You'll see Miss,things will get better".

BABY property of Dean WinchesterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora