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"Four teens were brutally murdered last night. Three were found strangled and the final was found mangled at the rocks. The investigation is still on going. If you have an information about these events please contact the police immediately". The news reporter says on the t.v.

"Turn that shit off Camryn, it makes me sad". My roommate Katie says from across the room. "Why do you watch it anyways"?

"So I can be safe from a serial killer". I say sarcastically towards her. She rolls her eyes and walks over to me.

"Let's get out of the house". She groans. I sigh not wanting to leave. My boyfriend broke up with me last week and I haven't wanted to leave.

"You can do what ever you want". I shrug and she stares at me blankly.

"Really"? She asks. "Come on we are going to McDonalds".

"Ew no I hate McDonalds". I groan but she yanks me off the couch and drags me out the door. "FINE FINE GOD DAMNIT FINE JUST LET ME GO"!

"Good". She smirks with an evil grin. We walk down the road and I pull my long hair into a quick pony tail. I look at my reflection in a passing window. My big brown eyes have small bags underneath from my late time of bed of 2 a.m., naturally bright lips, long red curly hair and pale ivory skin.

"Okay what do you want and I'll bring it out"? Katie asks. She has blue eyes, bleached blonde hair, is pale like me, and is very thin.

"Just get me a smoothie". I say with a small grin and as galavants inside. I wait and look at my phone real quick. Then before I know it someone rams into me. I drop my phone and just as I thought it was going to hit the ground someone catches it. I look at the mysterious figure absolutely amazed on how they caught that so soon.
The person looks up at me with a small smirk.

"Better be careful, things can break easily". He chuckles. I stare at the man wide eyed. He has green eyes the shape of emeralds, long brown curly hair, bright lips, tan skin, and a small grin that looks like the kind of trouble that you look for in a guy. His accent rolls off his tongue slowly.

"Yeah I guess they do". I say quietly. He takes my hand and kisses it like they do in the old movies.

"Harry". He breathes slowly his voice hypnotizing me. "You"?

I stutter to answer but finally get my name out. "Camryn".

"Well it's been a pleasure meeting you Camryn". He says with a wink. "I'll be seeing you very soon". Before I can respond he walks away. I stand there absolutely astonished. I turn my head the opposite way and see Katie standing with the drinks with and her mouth in the shape of an 'O'. I can only imagine mine is the same.

"And he just kissed your hand"?! She asks for the millionth time.

"Yes he did Jesus, how many times do I have to tell you"? I exclaim rubbing my forehead.

"So when he said he will see you soon what did he mean"? I think about that one. What did he mean? When will I see him?

"I wish I knew but I'm exhausted and I need to sleep". I say even though it's much earlier then my normal bed time. I walk groggily to my room and change into my pajamas. I get into bed and slowly fall asleep.

I wake up with a cold sweat and I am yanked from my dreams. I turn on my lamp and look around the room. I see the street light outside had changed from its usual bright white color to a red.

"What"? I grumble. I walk to the window and see some one leaning against the street light. They have a hat that covers from there nose up. I back away slowly and turn on my light. I walk to the window again and see the figure has moved closer and is standing directly in the middle of the road. They have a small smirk on there face. I look at my clock and see it says 2:45 a.m. My eyes turn back to the window and I see he is closer and his right out side my door. The person looks up. It's Harry. Except he is different. So different from the man I met earlier today. His welcoming green eyes have turned completely black,he has tear stains on his face but instead of water it's blood and he also has layer of blood costing his hands like gloves. He stares up at me and then gets a large smile on his face. A crazed smile. He puts his fingers in the shape of a box and aims his hands at my face. He puts my face in the 'frame' and smiles even bigger. He then waves slowly. I back up quickly and feel myself crying from fear. I run to the door and try to open it. Its locked and it won't open. This is only supposed to happen to the dumb people in horror movies!

"HELP"! I scream."KATIE"!

I look back to the window and scream. He stands right out side on the fire escape. He waves slowly with that sinister grin. He takes his blood soaked hands and starts to draw something. I am paralyzed in fear watch the blood smear on the glass. He pulls his hand away and I see what he drew.
A heart. He drew a heart of blood. He smiles at me and I am shaking with my mouth wide open.
He mouths the words "See you very soon". And he climbs down the latter. I watch him walk down to his original spot and put his hat back on as he leans against the light pole. I breath heavily and my hands shake so bad that I can't get up. I hear Katie running down the hall and I get up and shut the shades. She barges through the door and runs over to me.

"WHAT HAPPENED"? She yells.

"Oh-h I just-t had a bad dr-ream". I say shakily. I hate to lie to her but I don't want to worry her.

"Well don't do that again, you scared me to death"! She groans and she walks out of the room. I pull my hand through my hair and wipe the tears away from my eyes.
What the hell was that? Why is this happening to me? What's the real story behind Harry? The better question is what is Harry?

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