A Piece of Peace

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Peace is,
Just letting it go
Not holding grudges
But sharing the love.

Peace is,
Being able to look
Over the window sill
And not just seeing a black hole -

Craters carved into the innocent Earth,
Mothers dead before they could give birth.
This is not peace - this is unjust -
Such a sin - it boils the Devil's blood.

She receives a letter
And they tell her -
Your husband...
died in combat ma'am.
But in her heart she knows
He lies faceless
Alone -
Dead in a six foot trench.

How can we be expected to believe -
As logical, free thinking people -
That these actions are to bring 'world peace'
When it feels more like World War Three?

Let's stop the killings
Of innocent civilians
Let's embody the definition
Of being a real human.

Let's all lend
a piece of humanity
Let's all end
This war of animosity

Let's all have a voice
louder than the ammo of wars
A song that drowns out the noise -
A song that fills all our hearts with love
And advocates peace on this beautiful Earth.

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