10 things to do while watching a Movie

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1. Throw pieces of popcorn at the TV screen every time something that you don't like happens in the movie.

2. Give away the ending right before it happens.

3. Burp as loud as you can, at the most important part of the movie.

4. Stare at the dead bodies and see if you can catch them breathing.

5. Get mad for no reason, then throw the bowl of popcorn out of a window.

6. Sing off key to a song playing in the movie.

7. Eat all of the popcorn in obnoxious ways.

8. Walk up to a random person in the movie theater,and say," Your face is good!"

9. If there us a fight, take a cloth or towel, swing it around in the air, and root for someone.

10. If you happen to be watching a 3D movie, pretend to hug all the people who come out at you.

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