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Cas drives the ten minutes to the beach, Dean sitting next to him leaned against the window.
"You tired?" Cas asks, eyes on the road.
No reply, must have dozed off.
Once Cas parks by the side of the beach he shakes Deans shoulder.
"NOT THE NIPPLES!" Dean screams, as he jolts up.
Cas giggles as Dean realizes he's not in fact doing anything about nipples.
"I wasn't going for them." Cas smiles.
"Shut up."
"I didn't-"
"Just shut it." Dean smiles as he rubs his face.
His short brown-blonde hair is stuck up in every possible direction.
"What was that dream about?" Cas asks with a tilt of his head.
"Dingo ate my baby crazy party I went to in high school. Had this friend, Benny, weird guy." Dean shrugs before opening the car door.
Cas opens his door too.
The pair walk out to the balance spot of water and sand before sitting down.
Being the occasionally socially awkward Cas Novak, he refuses to let Dean cuddle up on him in 'public'. Even if that meant 5 more people were far off.
"No, there's to many people." Cas mumbles as Dean wraps his arms around Cas' waist.
"I've got working ears asshat. We are alone, or everyone is like, really quiet." Dean smiles as he hugs onto Cas tighter.
"Mhm." Cas blows air from his nose.
"How bout' we really freak out these," air quotes, "people, and have sex on the beach?" Dean shrugs.
"Dean, that's really inappropriate." Cas drops his voice.
"Oh come on. Some sand, water, you, wind, penises, me. Freakin' sensory overload right there man." Dean laughs as he unwraps his arms from Cas.
"I love you." Cas mutters.
"I know."
"You love me too right?" Cas asks as he stares off into the sea.
"Then why don't you say it a lot?"
"Love is overrated. People have told me they loved me all my life and that didn't mean anything with most. The word love has been so over used it's dulled. So instead I might say, 'I'm proud of us.' Which has deeper meaning. Or 'I know' which acknowledges your feelings and provides enough comfort for the other." Dean states as he crouches over running sand on his palms.
Cas stays silent before pulling Dean to kiss him.
Dean is caught off guard but he doesn't care after a moment.
Once Cas pulls off Dean smiles with a hidden look of dismay behind it.
"You okay?" Cas asks, suddenly more confused than usual.
"Yeah. It's just sorta scary."
"What is?"
"I mean hell I don't even know what I look like and I never will. Even if one day the small expensive chance of a successful surgery comes to be, I'll never know what I look like today. I won't know what you looked like just then when you kissed me. And that thought, it scares me Cas."
"Dean, you look like a sunrise."
"Okay Cas. I know you suck at describing things but this is an all new low." Dean chuckles.
Cas only ignores him.
"You've got the pink of it in your cheeks. Dotted with small spots of stardust, seemingly free falling and letting gravity position them. The stardust making you imperfectly perfect. Just like how a sunrise isn't all one, but randomly swirled, a beautiful collage. Your eyes are the green. It's one of the first colors to come into the dark morning sky for the world and for me. Then there's the tone of blue, a backdrop for the rest of the beauty. That blue causes the beauty no doubt, but holds the worst. Hidden away behind what is perfect, not to surface. For humans I'd simply call it sadness. Often hidden behind the most meticulously formed good looks.Yet that's covered and tucked away. But not quite all the way, it's still a factor of the masterpiece. So it just allures those of us who find the mix of perfection with imperfection a work of art. I'm partial, but you are the most handsome man I have ever known with the best loyal heart. You deserve more than you have, but I'm glad I can call you mine, my beautiful sunrise."
"Okay. Well I was wrong." Dean chokes back tears.
Cas leans over to hug him, and at only that point Dean cries.
"I love you. Even if that's over used." Cas smiles as he squeezes into Dean.
"It is. But I love you too."
OKAY I FINALLY UPDATED YAY!! I suck at descriptions but I tried so...
Anyway hope y'all liked this chapter.

Blind.                                BoyxBoy DestielHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin