10 things to do at school when you're bored

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1. Borrow a pencil from someone beside, and "accidentally" snap it in half right when they hand it to you.

2. Stand by the bathroom door, and hen someone passes by ask them where the bathroom is.

3. Yell the word donuts really loud while you're in the middle of a conversation with your friend.

4. When a teacher asks you to write something down, state at your paper and get frustrated. When your teacher asks you what's wrong say, "MY PENCIL WONT MAKE WORDS!!!"

5. Throw a pencil at someone, and say you dropped it.

6. Slam your locker door and yell," I'M SO HAPPY!!" in an angry voice.

7. On a test, write 3015 instead of 2015 (or whatever year you're reading this in.)

8. Freak out and yell, "THE VOICES ARE TALKING TO ME AGAIN!!!" and hide under your desk.

9. When a teacher asks you to answer a question say, "I'll never tell!"

10. Switch desks with different people, and see how many times you can switch without getting caught.

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