Chapter 14

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Cami's POV

I don't know how much longer I can take Moe on her period.

I grabbed my purse and started heading out the door. "I'll see you guys later, I'm heading to Dave and Busters to chill."

Moe and Tre just kept arguing, but Blake came over and kisses me on the lips.

I smiled, "You just won the best boyfriend award."

He laughed and I waved goodbye and got in the car and headed over to Dave and Busters.


When I walked into D&B I handed the guy at the counter my card and asked to add twenty-five dollars to it.

"So what's a pretty girl like you doing here alone?" Asked the front desk guy with blonde hair and green eyes.

"Just wanted some alone time." I thanked him and grabbed my card and headed inside.


It's the same layout as I remember it, just some new games.

I walked over to the basketball game and swiped my card and started shooting hoops.

When I won I started doing the happy dance and shook my butt and swung my arms in the air.

"Nice dancing."

A deep voice said behind me. I quickly stopped and turned around, only to see my ex boyfriend.

I sighed. "Drew. It's always a pleasure." I say sarcastically.

Drew smiles and steps closer, "Look. I think we should go back out."

"No douche, I mean Drew. I'm not going back to being those high school sweethearts that everyone thinks is perfect for each other when their not."

Drew frowned, "C'mon I'm sorry about cheating on you. Please forgive me."

I glared up at him, it's kind of hard trying to act tough when he's like three inches taller than you.

"Listen. Ex means our time has EXpired, thanks for the EXperience. Now please EXit my life."

I started to walk away because he just ruined Dave and Busters for me.

He grabbed my arm. "I know you miss us."

"Once upon a time when you cheated on me I was heartbroken and cried for days and refused to eat because I thought something was wrong with ME." I thought about Blake, "But then I realized, it was never me, it was you. I was the best I could be and obviously I wasn't good enough for you. So I eventually moved on and found someone better than you. Who loves me for who I am and will be. Not for who I was."

I yanked my arm from his grip and began to walk out.

"You'll never find someone like me." Drew called after me.

I turned and looked at him, walking backwards and shrugged, "That's the point."

And I left, feeling like a boss.


Moe's POV

I heard the front door close and knew that Cami had come home from Dave and Busters.

I looked over my shoulder and saw her walking into the kitchen without a word said to me.

"I'm fine thanks for asking, I'm only getting brutal cramps that's all. No biggie."
I said sarcastically.

Cami sat down on the couch next to me and sighed. "Sorry M&M, I just have a lot on my mind right now."
She said, running her fingers through her hair.

"You can tell me anything Cotton Candy." I said like a two year old.

"Promise you won't tell Blake?"

"No." I said truthfully.

Cami sighed and said, "Fine. I ran into Drew at D&B. Well more like he saw me doing my victory dance and started harassing me and telling me that he missed me and junk and that we should get back together because he knows I miss him."

"Well do you?"

"No! Frankly I hate him. And never want to see him again." Cami said defensively.

"I have to tell Blake now. BLAKE!!!!!"

I waited and then he replied, "Im busy, wait."

"I can't wait. I'm dying!" I screamed back.

"Well die later, because I'm really busy right now." He yelled back.

I looked at Cami, who's mouth was open in shock.

I started up the stairs and barged into the boys room and saw Tre changing.

"Ah!! Put some clothes on! In the bathroom!!!" I said covering my eyes.

"You were going to see it sooner or later." He said, walking into the bathroom.

I shivered and stomped up to Blake. "What is more important than a dying sister?"

Blake turned the computer around to face me with a dead look in his eyes.

I hesitated, but looked at the screen anyway. I read the message on the screen and started crying angry tears.

She can't do this. Not after all this time. She can't just email us and expect me to forgive her. She's dead to me.

I slammed the laptop shut and ran downstairs and sat down on the couch, trying to calm down.

Cami saw me and her face softened. "What's wrong?"

I kept crying in my hands.

"Is it Blake?"

I shook my head, sadly.

"Then who is it? Tell me."

I looked up at Cami with tear filled eyes. "Angela is coming."

Cami's eyes widened, "For what??"

I stuttered, "I-I think to t-take me away."

Cami held me, "She can't do that after all these years.. can she?"

I looked at my hands, "I don't know."



🔺Whatever you are, be a good one.🔺

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