"Jhoanna?!", I called out as I ran towards the Runecall. The figure yelped and dropped the object in surprise. She turned and a pair of brown eyes filled with intelligence, hope, and determination met mine.

"(Y/N)?! Holy shit...", Jhoanna said as she quickly shuffled towards me. I stared at her, feeling a wave of relief wash the worry out of my system.

"Jhoanna. Are you okay? Did they hurt you? Why is your lip bleeding?! Holy shit you're alive...", I said as hastily sat down in front of it, so I can see her better.

"I'm fine... for the moment. Listen. I don't know how you manage to make a Runecall, but I have to tell you something, don't go through the Espo Forest to get here. I'm assuming that Slenderman already knows where Zalgo is. Go through Deacat's. It's safer than what Zalgo did to the Forest... Oh stop crying!! I'm fine!!", she scolded. I didn't even realized that I was tearing up. I quickly wiped the tears away from my face and turned back to her.

"Where are you?", she asked.

"We're currently at Vexon's. We're asking for weapons, stuff like that."

"How's Sally?"

"She's fine."

"Okay. Good.", she laughed. I smiled at her, until we heard a metal clang echo through the call.

"Shit! He's here! Go!", she screamed-whispered.

"But-", I cried.

"There's no time. Stay safe (Y/N).", she said as she waved her hand through the Runecall, disrupting it, and ending it with a spark and a blast of cold air.
I sat there, too shocked to conprehend what just happened. I was still gathering my thoughts until somebody cried out my name.

"(Y/N)!!!", Vexon's frantic voice called out. I quickly shook my head and stood up, and ran towards them. I looked around to see a new wave of those little flying bombs attack and dive-bomb the Pasta. The bombs were purposely making themselves explode near the piles of scrap to make them fall to the Pastas. I watch the Pastas jump and dodge out of the way while trying to kill as many bombs as they can.

"(Y/N)! I need your help! Quick!!", Vexon cried as I arrive at the gist of the battle. I ran towards him and he gave me a big cannon-like blaster.

"What is this?", I said as I held it up. He took a gold tape and a cord out of his toolbelt and he started to connect the cannon to a loose wire coming out of the pipe-elevator thing.

"Look. This thing costs a lot of power each shot, so use it wisely. I manage to dislocate some pipes in the VexZone so the water will flush directly in the power core. It will cool it down for a while. Where's the Object?", he said.

"What object?", I asked.

"The thing you got from the Holder!", he said franctically. I quickly placed the blaster on my shoulder to free my right hand, took the bag, and threw it at him. He caught it and slightly opened the bag. A chilly wave came out of it and Vexon grinned.

"Just what I needed. Thanks. Anyway, just pull the trigger at a mass of those bombs. Wait a couple of seconds after uding it, to prevent it from overheating. Hopefully, it would detonate them. Okay? Good.", he said quickly without giving me time to ask questions. He then jumped into the broken pipe, leading inside the Vexon.

I pointed the blaster to where the biggest mass of those pests have gathered. I pulled the trigger and it warmed up, whirring loudly while doing so. After a couple of seconds, the blaster shot out blue arcs of electricity, electricuting dozens of bombs at the sane time. Unlike when we cut them, they just fell down to the ground without exploding, their smiling faces turned into tired and sad ones.

"Nice shot!", E.j. said. I gave him a grin, and waited for a while for the blaster to cool down. I pulled the trigger again, taking down another mass.

"Yes!! Haha!! Keep doing that!", Jeff laughed.

"That's what she said!!!", BEN joked and I rolled my eyes.

Soon enough, the bombs were detonated and we all cheered, until a 'splat splurk splat' filled the air. We looked around to search where the noise was coming from. I saw a giant cloud of purple things fall down the junkyard, only to realized that in fact, they were bigger-sized bombs that fell from the air. They bounced, slamming and tackling us with force. They were about the size of a baby elephant, enough for someone like Sally to ride on.

"Where the fuck do they come from?!", Sonic.exe complained as he sliced open one using a sword-like weapon. It fell down, limped. Then, it shook violently and dozens of thosr littlr flying bombs spilled out of its mouth. I quickly pointed the cannon at them and pulled the trigger, instantly killing the bombs. He shouted "Thanks!" and I nodded at him. After that, I heard a shriek from behind me. I turmef to see Sally cornered by two of those huge bastards. I pointed the cannon at them, and pulled the trigger. The cannon whirred painfully and an explosion occured underground, shaking the ground and making us lose our balance. After a moment, Vexon climbed out of the pipe and coughed.

"The core...couldn't handle it....even with this...", he said between coughs, holding the bag out. I helped him out and pulled him out of the pipe.

"You're immune to fire?", I randomly asked him while he was trying to catch his breath.

He grinned. "Fire, yes. But I got nothing against the cold.", he stated. I helped him stand up and we surveyed the scene. Splendy managed to help Sally, but he trapped himself between five of them. The Pastas were having trouble fending for themselves against the ball-like monsters.

"What do we do..?", I breathed out.

'Looks like someone needs my help!!", my inner demon said in a sing-song voice. I growled at her.

"No. I can fix this.", Vexon said, his green eyes fiercely glaring at the monsters.

He then laughed, and turned to me. "I can only think of one way to hold them off.", he sighed. He took a half-sun necklace out of his toolbelt and pressed it on my palm.

"Sis will help you. Say that I want her to help you. If she doesn't, tell her that I'd be disappointed at her. Okay?", he said with a sad smile.

"What? What do you mea-", I asked, but he cut me off.

"Tell her that. Promise?", he said as he raised his pinky finger. I nodded and hooked mine to his.

"Promise.", I said. He grinned.

"Slenderman!! Get them out of the junkyard!! Take them as far as you can from here!!", Vexon ordered. Slenderman turned and nodded. He repeated what Vexon said to his brothers, and I saw Splendy's smile disappear. I frowned, trying to undestand what he meant, until a polka-dotted tentacle grabbed me.

"Wait!! What about Vexon!!", I cried out to Splendy.

"Oh don't worry. He'll be fine...", Splendy said with fake confidence. I looked back at Vexon, who was holding the Objecr with his bare hands, the frost quickly spreading on his skin. I looked at him worriedly, but he managed to smile at me when I caught his gaze. My eyesight blurred as Splendy teleported miles away from the junkyard, but not until I saw Vexon crack the Object with a hammer, releasing the cold trapped inside. We felt a wave of frigid air come from the junkyard, who is now slowly disappearing on the horizon.



Hey bros!! How's it going??

(Cut the crap Kitty-chan.)

Sigh.. I'm sorry it's super late. I have written this chapter TWICE. Apparently, I wasn't able to save the first copy of this chapter, so I had to rewrite it AGAIN.



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~A very happy Kitty-chan (=^_^=)

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